When exactly was our two hundred plus year way of life rejected completely by the “Left”? When did we go from having civil discourse, intellectual debates, and open discussions of our differences and way of life to the horror show that we are experiencing and living through right now? Naming a political party engaging in anarchy, rioting, and chaos is not necessary as it is plainly and painfully evident who is engaged and who is supporting the chaos. As the old adage says, “If the shoe fits, wear it.” which is very appropriate. All that is required is to turn on the television to any of the “Media Mob” channels and you will experience a steady diet of people being attacked for not believing the approved “Group Think”, for daring to disagree with the “Herd Mentality”, and for being capable of free thinking outside of the indoctrination of well, everyone on the “Left”.
Look at the rejection of such horrible entities as “Free Speech” or owning a firearm, or worse yet, believing in God. Vilification, ridicule, and outright mockery of any concept, belief system, or narrative that falls outside of the rigid, intolerable, box of political correctness or approved propaganda spewed in the Media Mob daily. As the “Left” gained control over more and more aspects of society and government, tolerance was the first and one of the worst casualties. This has been demonstrated on college and University campuses anytime that someone dares to attempt to present our young lemmings with an alternative, usually conservative argument or view point. Typically, this will result in them being shouted down, threatened, and forced to rapidly depart under threat of physical violence. The behavior is often accompanied by setting fire, breaking things, and acting insane simply for being exposed to anything that is not radically leftist. Essentially, everything that brought about the very founding of America is now targeted for destruction and rejected completely by the Left.
Over the last few decades, the idea of biological gender has been rejected in lieu of insane arguments posing the idea that there are possibly over 70 gender designations. Marriage has been redefined to now include whatever the moment dictates, no longer simply a contract between one man and one woman to be bound before God in holy matrimony. Civics and patriotism have been rejected by radical academics who prefer to promote social justice narratives as opposed to educating our children in the pure sciences and history of the world and America. Even worse, the radical Left teaches our children to literally hate America and the ideals that America was founded and built upon. The Founders are presented as a bunch of racist, old white guys to diminish their respect and demean them. Leftist academics simply rewrite History with what they deem to be more acceptable narratives, never mind those pesky facts, truth, and imperial evidence which so often get in the way.
Instead of “Capitalism” , we should embrace whatever the socio-political system that the Left approves of as they go. Sure, it will likely be called some combination of “Socialism and Communism” but because the Left see themselves as being smarter and more capable, everything will end up being Unicorns and rainbows under their leadership. The problem again is that their beliefs and desires to thrust America into something no longer even remotely resembling what was built over the last two hundred plus years. what we will actually have under the Left will quickly devolve into our needing to be brought into compliance under the jack booted threat of force. This is clearly evident now as Governors and Mayors of certain states and cities, drunk on the raw power that they presume or usurp under the name of the Pandemic ravaging the world. This brand of leadership rapidly goes from one obliged to the “Will of the People” to one of “Do as I say, not as I do.” type of dictatorial, iron fisted bludgeoning into submission under threat of retaliation for non compliance with the “Left’s” dictates. Disobedience results in rapid reprisals, shutting down, locking in of the citizenry. So who exactly gave them this raw power that is being demonstrated by the Left? Who ceded control of the pursuit of happiness and life to these little tyrants and dictators? When exactly did we go from a “Representative Republic” as established by our Constitution and Bill of Rights to whatever it is that the Left intends to ram down our throats whether we like it or not? The simplest answer is well, Mob rule. The Political Mob, the Entertainment Mob, and of course, the Media Mob will control the narrative and dictate the mandate under which we will be place if the Left is able to attain full control of America and all three branches of government.
The Left has already rejected such ideals and concepts as free thinking, free will, and the free pursuit of life decades ago. The Left prefers to control what we think, how we act, even our lifestyle which must be controlled via the compliance of political correctness under their dictates. And don’t you dare try to function outside of the rigid, unyielding box, that the Left will of course control with an iron fist. You will simply comply, or else. Folks, our very way of life is under threat of destruction permanently if this socio-political Coup is allowed to take place. Wake up America!