Delusion Illusion

It would appear that everything regarding the ideological “Left” is about having the appearance of being that other than what something is in reality. A good example is the current struggle to “Normalize” transexuality while attempting to forcibly foist this abomination upon society at large. Why is that? What is the ultimate goal here? It is nearly comical to watch a leftist squirm, and struggle, and sweat when asked something as simple as to define what a woman is. This seemingly innocent, innocuous question becomes a monumental struggle leaving the audience to attempt to make sense of nonsensical responses from the leftist who embarrassingly remains incapable of even this simple definition. Instead, we are entreated to convaluted explanation of subjectivity and ridiculous psycobabble of fantastical and completely wrong theories of how someone can change their gender at will.

One of the most blatant examples occurring today regards the security of our southern border with Mexico. Don’t believe your lying eyes we are told, the southern border is secure. Representatives of the current governmental regime have no problem with sitting before a Congressional Committee and saying this with a straight face. Never-mind the millions of illegals who have crossed already and continue to flood into America virtually unchecked. And, there is no end in sight as our national sovereignty is sacrificed on the alter of political correctness while endangering the American people. South American countries eagerly empty their jails and prisons while sending former prisoners North to America. The current invasion also brings with it the unintentional but very real threat of drugs pouring into our country like never before. The increase in loss of life due to the illicit drugs seems to be of no consequence to the power brokers in government and the media. Nor is the issue of rape, child trafficking of illegal migrants along the journey. Nor, the surrender of our sovereign border to the drug cartels who brutally or fatally enforce their system of compliance upon the unprotected masses.

What about the illusion of freedom? Never before have we seen such assaults on our God given rights as we see today. Parents who dare to challenge or speak out against the leftist indoctrination happening in our public schools are met with investigations from government goons in the FBI or Dept. of Justice. Those who dare speak out against the insidious sexualization of children as young as Kindergarten age, may end up on enemies lists of School Boards and Government agencies to be punished should they continue to engage the fraud and deceptions of the Leftists controlling the government schools. The “Pure Sciences” like Math, Science, History, and English have given way to much more pressing “Social Justice” issues such as Critical Race Theory and other ridiculous distortions of reality. Confusing our children about their biological sex is perfectly fine in the world of the leftists while parents are completely excluded and kept in the dark about the nefarious indoctrination agendas of leftist controlling public schools. The warning signs began to surface some years ago as permission for abortion was no longer necessary for school age girls and in some cases, such events were completely hidden from parents altogether.

How is free speech faring under the language goons of the left? Historically, differing views, beliefs, and theories could be presented in a manner of civil discourse called, debate. Debate took place when two opposing persons or teams would each present and attempt to build a case for their particular case. Each person or team would present facts, examples, and empirical evidence to support their case. The decision was then left to the audience to determine who best presented their case and was most compelling in their arguments. In short, facts were presented in a logical manner, with reason, and facts and we were left to draw our conclusions based on our individual belief systems or worldviews. Such can certainly not take place today as we have now moved into an era of “Cancel Culture” where dissent, free thought, and opposing opinions are quite literally not allowed or tolerated. One has only to consider what success someone of Conservative Views would have presenting their beliefs on a college campus today. Ask any Conservative who has attempted such a death defying transgression which usually results in said Conservative having to be quickly whisked away due to safety concerns for their physical well being as radical leftists are completely intolerant of and incapable of even the presentation of something which differs from their indoctrinated view points. Such intolerance and hatred is quite frankly, frightening at every level.

The delusion illusion is being spread by the current leftist regime in Washington, DC as well as their eager and willing minions in the media, education system, and even governmental agencies across the federal government at every level. Leftist who secretly hate America and seek only to destroy are elected and sent to DC to simply carry out their role of lemmings who march in lockstep and are silently obedient to their dark lords who provide them with acceptable talking points and agenda items to support. The slightest hint of dissent is quickly met with the harshest penalty and punishment. Even leftists who dare challenge the status quo of evil being forced on us at every turn are summarily silenced and removed from public view. Truth, when not convenient to the accepted narrative, is simply not allowed. Rather, some fabricated, concocted, fantastical depiction of what “should” have happened is thrown in our face as being factual.

Can America survive if this decline of truth, anti-American agenda, and evil continues to be unchallenged in any meaningful way? Time will be the judge but is is definitely time for warriors and patriots to stand up and offer all manner of civil resistance. This must occur in election integrity, if nothing else if our Representative Republic is to survive. Knowledge is power and we must not accept anything other than absolute truth. If what is happening in government is not in line with the Constitution Of The United States, it is simply, not legal and must be stopped. Act now America!

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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