God is ….

Considering life on planet Earth and Man’s role stimulates a great deal of thought. When thinking about God, especially from a Christian standpoint, it is easy to reflect upon just how big our God truly is. For Christians, God is “Creator Of All” with the keyword being “All”. So if God created everything or “All”, then God is much, much bigger than Man. This is truly not a difficult concept to grasp as the Bible clearly establishes the fact that God created man and we can refer to the book of Genesis for reference and steps taken to create Man, or well, us. This would have to clearly indicate that God is far bigger than Man and was obviously preceding man, His creation. Another “God is … ” statement would be that God is not or does not reside on Earth even though He is among us if He so desires. So, God is … in Heaven and does not live on Earth. The Bible tells us that we are “All” His children but because we are given “Free Will” we must choose to follow God and to abide by His will and teachings. We are God’s children and our Heavenly Father loves us all but does not force us to accept or follow Him.

The concept and idea of free will means that Christians must accept and freely choose to accept God and to follow God’s law. Christians understand the concept of “Salvation” and through this process can be assured of spending Eternity with God in Heaven which is God’s domain above and beyond our existence on Earth. The alternative is of course, Hell which is the domain of the fallen Angel, Satan. Satan also has dominion over this earth and is free to torment and tempt us to evil and damnation. This means that not choosing Salvation and the assurance of an Eternity in Heaven with God would result in damnation and an Eternity with Satan in Hell. Yes, this concept is contentious to some and has been the subject of debate and academic study for hundreds and thousands of years. All that aside, most Christians clearly understand what it means to be “Saved” and assured of an Eternity with God in Heaven. Most Christians prefer not to even waste much thought on the horror of an Eternity of not being in God’s presence for Eternity. Frankly, the human mind can not truly comprehend the concept of “Eternity” or realms outside of our immediate reality on our tiny, blue planet, Earth. So, God is bigger than Man, and bigger than Earth.

Establishing the fact that God is bigger than Man and bigger than Earth, indicate that God is bigger than anything that Man can comprehend and is the “Creator” of everything. God is bigger than “Time”, and “Space”, and “Reality” itself. God is bigger than anything that Man can comprehend or understand, period. As the Creator of Man, God is our Heavenly Father. Like any loving Father, God wants His children to obey and love Him. The reward for obeying God and living by God’s instruction in the Bible, man is assured of an eternity in Heaven with God when we die and our Soul departs our body and leaves this Earth. Again, we have no absolute proof or imperial evidence that can be neatly constructed and placed in a nifty little box to be observed and studied at will but rather have to accept God’s absolute truths on “Faith”. This means that God’s children, Man must accept and believe that which can not be seen with our human eyes but rather our Spiritual eyes. God is bigger than anything and everything and deeply desires the love of His children, us.

God is bigger than anything and everything and created us, His children to enjoy and love forever, as long as we accept Him and obey Him as we are instructed and taught to do in the Bible which is God’s instruction manual for life. As children, obedience is difficult and for some, nearly impossible. Children grow to love and trust they’re earthly parents who take care of all of the child’s needs until the child is able to do so himself. The same is true of God’s children as they learn and grow in they’re faith and trust in Heavenly Father. In order to learn how to obey and love God, children must first be taught how to do so. Or, children must be instructed on how to love God by being obedient and following God’s laws and teachings. It is then the faith in God and assurance of an eternity in an unseen realm, Heaven, that helps those of us who are “Believers” to continue being obedient and faithful.

Although we, Man, can not physically see or touch God, our Heavenly Father, we learn to experience His presence which is very real. The spiritual experience of coming into the presence of God is something so profound that it provides us so much joy and complete awe that most of us will continue to seek to be in God’s embrace. Man can not see “Air” but the absence of air is fatal. Man must breathe air to survive, despite the fact that we can not see “Air”. Yes, we can see the impact that air has when it blows and moves other objects but air itself can not be seen with the naked, human eye. Air is a fundamental, necessity for life and we must exist where air is present. For this reason, man can not exist underwater, or in space which is mostly devoid of “Air”, or oxygen which air is comprised of. Again, God provides the very air that we breathe.

Free choice was a gift that God gave to us, Man. This means that some may choose not to believe or to follow God’s laws and instructions. Not doing so means an Eternity not in God’s presence in Heaven but rather endless torment and agony which the human mind is not equipped to fully understand or comprehend. This concept is far too horrible for us to even want to consider beyond a very basic level of understanding and comprehension. This serves as a deterrent and motivation to do the opposite and to be obedient and follow God’s law and instruction. God is … many, many things and as humans, we are not truly equipped to completely understand anything other than God is our Heavenly Father who loves us and only wants for us to be His loving children. God is bigger than Man, Earth, or anything and everything that we can even comprehend or understand. Our human mind is not capable of such and therefore, we must be the loving and obedient children that any parent desires. As Christians, we understand that God is … everything!

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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