1[ lahy ]SHOW IPASee synonyms for lie on
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.SEE MORE
verb (used without object), lied, ly·ing.
to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to express what is false; convey a false impression.
verb (used with object), lied, ly·ing.
to bring about or affect by lying (often used reflexively):Â to lie oneself out of a difficulty; accustomed to lying his way out of difficulties.
So how do we feel about lies, lying, and liars? It is probably safe to assume that no one likes being lied to. This is especially true when there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to do so. That being said, lies should never be acceptable, regardless the reason, situation, or consequences. Lies should always be completely unacceptable, period. This is especially true for those who read the Bible and follow the teachings of Jesus. Lying is one of the Ten Commandments so it is safe to say that it is really important to God. Most parents begin teaching their children the importance of telling the truth at a very young age. Truthfulness is a basic tenet of character building and having a good moral basis and compass to follow throughout life.
Why then is there so much lying and falsity in Society today? Lying is rampant today with very little consequences for doing so. Sadly, lying is routine, automatic, seldom discouraged. There are even degrees to lying ranging from what some call, “Little white lies” meaning that they are somehow minimal because they are intended to only be slightly deceptive or false to outright grandiose lying such as stating honorable intentions and doing the exact opposite, or “Big Lies”. A toddler, when faced with punishment for taking a cookie without permission might choose to deny or lie about the incident to avoid punishment. The little child fears the consequences of having the truth discovered for the wrongful action despite understanding and knowing that it was wrong to begin with.
So what about adults who not only lie, but choose to do so above all else? The media, for example, formerly attempted to portray the pretense of being concerned with truth, fact, of being unbiased and impartial. In the “Good ole days”, not so terribly long ago, the media at least made an effort to attempt to seem unbiased and fair in the reporting of facts and situations which they might actually differ with politically. Today, all pretense of impartiality is completely and totally gone. Today, the media will literally not only overtly lie, push an agenda, but will absolutely fabricate and create stories out of thin air to promote a narrative or agenda. The result is that the American people are viewed as being incapable of handling what they present as truth or simply that a political agenda trumps truth, fact, and bias in every way. If you follow the teachings of Leftist idols such as Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, and their ilk, you must as Hillary Clinton once stated, have a “Willing suspension of disbelief.” To the Left, truth is subjective, fluid, and open to interpretation. This premise, along with just about everything else that the Left believes and promotes is not only just silly, but promotes dangerous, false expectations based on unattainable and fictitious beliefs.
Leftist politicians unapologetically lie with every breath. The lust for power is so strong that Leftist will do ANYTHING to gain and hold onto power. No lie to small, no level to low for them to accomplish the goal of attaining power to rule over us. Promises, false narratives, and unreal facades are utilized to dupe the gullible into believing that they are anything other than liars. Tenents such as shame, guilt, and hypocrisy are simply old, out dated concepts which no longer apply to them once they are again at the helm of power. Instantly, despite the baseless lies and promises intended to deceive the rubes in “Flyover Country”, despicable politicians, especially Leftists, shed all of their costumes, masks, and false images used during campaign cycles.
What does that say about us? Why would we simply sit back, apathetically, and just accept being force fed lies by politicians and their useful idiots in the media? Especially when it is painfully obvious that they have nothing but disdain and contempt for anyone and everyone except those in their social circles within the bubble that they exist in while in the towers of power in their collective reality of Leftist politics. For the silent majority and the rest of us though, being lied is still is offensive and unacceptable.
Today, the lies are actually weaponized and will damage if not destroy the America that has served us so well for the better part of the past 245 years. The Left is laser focused on promoting a far left, insane agenda of implementing some vision of Socialism, Marxism, Communism to replace the hated Capitalist system which made America the greatest nation on earth. When not destroying or burning down our cities, the far left and their acolytes in the media, BLM, Antifa and the likes are decrying the non existent racism and unfairness of Capitalism to the lemmings in the echo chambers of mind numbed, unthinking, and especially unquestioning little robot armies who have been properly indoctrinated in the American education system during the last sixty years. Year after year, decade after decade, far left, America hating, teachers and professors churn out class after class of little robots who no longer believe in American Exceptionalism and Patriotism. Today, the agenda is far more sinister and evil as the intention is to take down America and turn us into something more resembling of a third world country or banana republic.
Yep, lies has become one of the main weapons in the quiver of tyranny that the Left will use to batter, assault, and pound us into submission. Loosing the attack dogs of lies which is today’s media, the propaganda wing of the Left, the American Pravda which would make the Nazi, Joseph Goebbles proud will eagerly batter us into submission at all costs. Honestly, this is simply evil and must be stopped at all costs, if America as we know it, is to survive. God bless America!