Considering a monopoly, one might remember the case of AT&T and the breakup of the Bell system which was mandated in 1982. The issue was that Bell had a monopoly for telephone service throughout the US and Canada and was simply, too large and too powerful. Feel free to peruse the link and WIKI article explaining the monopoly in detail. Basically, AT&T with the Bell Telephone System was just too big and too powerful squeezing out anyone of the little guys who might want a piece of the pie.
In its infinite wisdom, the US Government mandated and ordered a break up of the existing system and monopoly which AT&T had with the Bell Telephone System. So why is the same reasoning not being applied to behemoth’s of industry like Amazon, Google, Facebook, and so forth? In fact, some of these companies, if not all of them have governmental protections in place which keep them from legal jeopardy in some situations. Situations say like restricting, shadow banning, or simply deleting things that go against their established political or cultural viewpoints for instance.
Think for a moment about the issue which is currently taking place on Facebook involving PragerU material. Facebook has labelled PragerU to be “Fake News” laughably and does not allow the material to be displayed on Facebook. Isn’t that censorship, you might ask? Of course it is but the same is true across the majority of Social Media platforms which are nearly all owned and operated by Leftists adhering to the approved group think. And, lacking the intestinal fortitude to confront issues head on, practices like “Shadow Banning” are adopted which hide or completely remove any and all content deemed unacceptable by the so called “Fact Checkers” which have been adopted lately. So who are these “Fact Checkers” who so diligently protect us from potentially harmful or disapproved group think? Typically and most definitely they will be groups or organizations who lean far left. Consider Snopes or Politifact for example who most definitely have a far left tilt.
As is the case with those on the left who are typically too thin skinned and intolerant to even be exposed to ideas and thoughts that are opposite to the mantra of the left, they choose to delete, hide, or avoid anything which might expose them to anything which might be considered to have a conservative or Christian viewpoint. After all, anything which does not blindly follow and agree with all things Leftist must necessarily be destroyed. To prove this, just go disagree with someone or something on the far left side of the spectrum and see what happens.
As most in the media or those who control the Social Media platforms are in total agreement with far left ideology, turning a blind eye, ear, and all other senses to what the left does is simply and typically ignored. While all things from the right must be censored, screened, and monitored the same treatment is certainly not applied to leftist. Isn’t this just total hypocrisy, you might ask? Of course it is but the Left exempts and excuses themselves from rules and standard that they expect the rest of us to observe and adhere too.
These giants of technology and Captains of Industry have certainly built the new world versions of the old Bell Telephone model monopolies and because of the rampant hypocrisy and double standard being applied to conservative and republicans on the Social Media platforms today, the Republican controlled Senate is investigating and considering removing the protections which have allowed the censorship and banning of conservative, republican material on the platforms. To be honest, it is astonishing to see the degree of hatred and intolerance for differing views and beliefs which has been perpetrated on those on the right.
One has only to consider how the Left treats those who disagree with them. As Conservative Commentator, Rush Limbaugh was gaining popularity and growing over the thirty plus years that he has been on the air waves of America, an outraged and hyper offended Left has decried the need for balance and equality. Yeah right, it wasn’t enough for them to have just about all of what is broadcast or televised with the alphabet soup of media. No, the Left sought to preferably silence but at the very least answer the threat posed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. Never mind the coordinated, Editorially approved talking points which the talking heads continuously drone on about daily on the “All left, All The Time” stations, no they were losing their collective minds because Rush Limbaugh dared expose them for what they are.
So what is the answer, how do opposing views and beliefs gain entrance into the public venue and cultural forums? That is the million dollar quest for sure. Honestly, until there is pushback to this one view fits all mentality and iron fisted control of such institutions as the Education System in America, the MSM (Mainstream Media), and Social Media for example, nothing will meaningfully change. Unless and until the silent majority, the apathetic, and the forgotten in “Fly Over Country” stand up and stop tolerating the intolerable actions of the Left, nothing will change. A strong and unified stand against the ever increasing indoctrination of America’s youth must occur in meaningful ways to bring about substantive change and transition to at least an opportunity to present opposing views and beliefs. At present, the most effective monopoly of the Left is its control of the Education System which has allowed for decade after decade of unchallenged and unhindered indoctrination moving away from the pure sciences and disciplines to more social justice and liberal cultural appropriations with regard to educational curriculum. The bottom line is this, if we lose the hearts and minds of our youth, we are doomed. We must win them back and purge the Leftist indoctrination which has been going on for far too long lest they become the obedient, unquestioning, little drones the Left so desires. Wake up now and fight back, this must be changed immediately.