Hysteria, hypocrisy, and hatred ….

Dog Whistle Word Cloud on Blue Background

In far too many cases today, when something tragic happens which sparks a genuine display or protest, it is almost immediately hijacked for political purposes and instigators as we have seen happen with the George Floyd protest resulting in near nationwide rioting, looting, and burning. While the pain and anguish experienced by the Floyd family and others who initially marched and peacefully protested, the message was quickly lost to the shouts, rants, and hatred of organized, politicized, mobs.

How and why would this happen you might ask. Obviously the race ingredient was present with a white cop and black victim. This gives us the first ingredient, race. Secondly, the MSM (Mainstream Media) immediately jumps on the bandwagon with endless news cycles which quickly fan the flames promoting violent reactions to the situation as it grows from a small, local, peaceful demonstration into large, violent, mobs across the country. Thirdly, Leftwing groups which are well organized, well funded, and completely motivated by their leftwing agenda seize on the opportunity to insert agitators, instigators, and willing participants in to spark the crowds into looting and burning. The formula for this type of situation goes back to leftist playbooks developed by Marxist, Socialist, Communist revolutionaries throughout history. Add in the insanely powerful Social Media platforms and a peaceful crowd of a couple of hundred people can grow into violent mobs numbering in the thousands or more.

Observing none of the warnings above for civility, peace, or love in any way, the MSM and Social Platforms become deaf, dumb, and blind to the rage and hatred which is prevalently spewed on their platforms to incite others. Not only do the MSM and Social Platforms allow and tolerate the hatred but are complicit and willful partners in perpetrating it by their willingness to condone it. After all, those who own and control the MSM, Social Media, and Academia are mostly of the same far left, radical ilk which foments this revolutionary form of ideology spurred on by a deep, seething hatred of America, Christianity, and our way of life going back to the Founding Fathers. The far left would much rather install some European style model under the banner of some fictitious New World Order. Far left academics and politicians have long dreamt and hungered for a feasible way to convert America into a Venezuela. This would be the result of a transfer of power, wealth, and property from individuals to a Government controlled by the Leftists of course.

Life under a far left controlled government would be far from what anyone can even consider. Think about what the far left democrats desire and force upon us already. How well do freedom loving Americans fare under far left controlled states with punitive taxes and strangulation of regulations? Miles of red tape and hoops to jump through and endless reams of mindless regulations promoting the far left agenda result in a near strangulation of capitalism and the free market system which built America. Consider the all out assault on our Constitutionally guaranteed rights like “Freedom Of Speech” or the 2nd Amendment and firearm ownership just to name the first two. Have democrats not tirelessly sought to remove this rights completely for many, many years already? Do you think that if successful in getting rid of the first two that they would be satisfied and stop there? NO! Drunk on unfettered, unrestrained power, and the ability to control nearly every aspect of our lives, they would continue the impending slide into all out Tyranny. Just look at what has already happened with Leftist Governors and Mayors during the Covid19 Pandemic.

How long before we would all be forced to submit completely to the oppressive dictates of far left ideology? Have we not already witnessed instances of this already happening? Consider the tyranny of the left with regard to political correctness and how it is used to beat us into submission. How has Christmas been doing anywhere other than Christian Communities which embrace and celebrate the holiday for the reasons originally established, the birth of Jesus Christ. What has happened with the Gay agenda which originally was stated to promote Gays being treated fairly, whatever that means. Now, the agenda is promoted nationwide from K-College and beyond and the very definition of marriage has been morphed from the original intention of being between one man and one woman to now include same sex and whatever else the far left decides is acceptable. Today, under the guise of “Institutional Racism” we are hearing outrageous demands to defund and dismantle the Police. Racism is neither the prevailing emotional response nor is it institutional throughout the law enforcement community with many law enforcement agencies being comprised of non white, non male officers. The racism resides primarily in the hearts and minds of the far left who seek to use it as a weapon to promote their agenda damaging the law enforcement community based a deep hatred which the Left harbors.

So why does it seem that everyone, and everything which opposes the far left ideology or far left democrats in the Media, Politics, or culturally need to be completely destroyed, changed, or transformed into the image of what they believe? What would America, founded upon the ideas and principles of freedom, rugged individualism, and independence look like under the Utopian, dystopian vision embraced by most on the far left? Sadly, most likely it would look more like the image above from one of the Resident Evil Movies so popularized by Hollywood leftists presenting a view of life after a cataclysmic, apocalyptic release of bioweapons which transformed humans into something violent or worse. To the far Left, America must be torn down to the roots and rebuilt completely in what they believe would be a more fair world so long as they control it completely and have all of the money and power that there is. Life for anyone who would dare to question, think for themselves, or oppose this would not be pleasant in any way imaginable. To the far left, the ends justify the means, period. This means the utilization of lies, stealing, or any means necessary is totally acceptable and is not conducive to a life accustomed to freedom and liberty in any way. Push back must come to stop the halt of this not only defective ideology but I would say dangerous. For those who still desire any modicum of freedom or liberty should be horrified completely at what the far left envisions and will certainly impose if allowed to gain control of our current political system and form of life. It must be resisted and stopped at all cost.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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