Having been a comic book aficionado growing up, Superman was one of my favorites. The concept and depiction of the Bizarro world always always fascinating. The basic premise being that everything was upside down, inside out, and basically backwards. You get the idea but if not, there is plenty of information on the web about it.
Life today is very much waking up to find that you have warped into Bizarro Universe and life as you knew it, has become an episode of Bizarro World. Yes, everything has flipped and is the exact opposite of what it should be as depicted in the image of Bizarro Superman above. Bad is good, black is white, up is down, and so on and so on.
It would seem that for anyone who is anything other than a liberal, progressive, democrat that life in America is transforming and morphing into a Bizarro Utopia right before our eyes. Tragedies are seized upon and hijacked into opportunities to decry the injustices of humanity at the hands of conservatives, traditionalists, republicans, and any other boogey men as defined by the Left. A tragic death brings about rioting, looting, and burning on a national scale before the facts can even be found. A Pandemic shutters a nation and brings an economy to a screeching halt as we become prisoners under mandatory “Stay At Home” orders.
To outsiders, primarily those from other Universes, it appears that humans have abandoned or lost all semblances of the ability to be rational, logical, or even truthful. Journalism died several years ago with a gleeful embrace of an agenda driven mandate of destruction for all who oppose the dictates of their elitist controllers. No longer do things like facts, truth, or the appearance of neutrality matter. Sources for stories no longer need to be vetted, or credible, or for that matter even named as many can simply be labelled as “Anonymous”. Anyone with an axe to grind, or a sufficient degree of hatred can simply fabricate outlandish claims of wrongdoing or wrong thinking and the attack dogs in the MSM (Mainstream Media) will happily deliver amazing works of fiction with the utmost sincerity and conviction. Yes, many of their performances are worthy of “Academy Awards” or whatever accolades they devise to pat themselves on the back for as good little pawns.
The Education System was hijacked by the far Left many years ago and liberal or progressive ideology has been rammed down the throats or American kids for decades. The results are on display for the world to see every day. They even have catchy little monickers to identify them such as “Snowflake”, “Antifa”, or any and all such who comprise the catch all of “Social Justice”. The handiwork of these little Lefty Lemmings can be seen as they assault Police, Loot businesses, burn buildings all under the guise of justifiable outrage for all grievances, either real or imagined that they have suffered. Why just consider the systemic racism and all of the ensuing horrors. Do not get me wrong, yes sarcasm is being employed and I in no way diminish or take lightly the actual tragedies that human being of all races have experienced. And no, it must not be tolerated.
But to what end? If the Left were to realize all of their dreams come true, what would the resulting reality look like? Primarily, America would become the Bizzaro version of itself. In the name of Social Justice, a nationwide “Nanny State” would be built where no one would any longer have to think for themselves in any way. The “State” would take over, quite literally, everything and we would henceforth be told everything. Everything and everyone would be equal, except of course, our Rulers who would exempt themselves from the dictates imposed upon the rest of us. And, friends, cronies, and family members of the Elite Rulers would also be exempted leaving the rest of us to fight over the scraps. All would of course be told when, how, and why to think, work, live, exist in the enlightened age of the New World Order. The old, antiquated, thinking and concepts of freedom, rights, and self reliance would of course, necessarily vanish overnight to give way to the Utopia of Progressive Dictate. And won’t it be just wonderful? Yep, you guessed it, only in Bizarro World.
But wait, don’t we already have some of these things today? Why yes, just look at all that Politicians exempt themselves from already but impose on the rest of us. We have one party rule in some states and have in some cases for decades. And just look at the Utopia’s that have resulted from this one party, far left rule and control. There is of course New York and California where life is wonderful, crime no longer exists, the sun shines without end, and life is utterly fair and just for all. What, you mean this isn’t the case? There is of course, San Francisco which is an absolute Mecca of Enlightenment and fairness. You just have to get maps to avoid trampling through human wasted from the homeless camps which have taken over blocks or streets. And, you must be mindful of becoming a victim of the undocumented who are immune from prosecution for such things as theft, rape, or even murder. No, they must be released immediately to commit more, new, or recurring crimes in the name for fairness. What of the innocent American victims you might ask? Well, that is simply Xenophobic thinking and you should immediately surrender to a Re-Education Center for corrective reprogramming.
Does it matter that at least half or more or the people of this country oppose liberal, progressive, and far left ideology? Not to them, it is always a case of “The Tail Wagging The Dog” with Leftists. Whatever the agenda of the Left is, must for the good of all, be imposed by any means necessary on the masses for their own good, whether they realize or want it or not. Why, because it is best for them and we should never question those on high. The enlightened professors, the entrenched Politicians, or the George Soros like billionaires and Captains of Industry and Technology are far superior to mere peasants and serfs. NO! Never throughout human history, has a far left agenda been successful. Everywhere, everytime it has been tried, it has failed utterly and badly. Consider Marxism, Socialism, and Communism which have all failed, repeatedly and consistently even when their founders attempted to implement and impose them. In some cases, the resulting death tolls where in the tens of millions under the brutal regimes brought about by the likes of Marx, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, and others.
Today however, we have legions of “Social Justice Warriors” who are ignorant of the facts of history which detail the societal and cultural failings and disasters of having a far left philosophy imposed on a nation. The teaching of history has been purified, cleansed, and properly purged of harsh facts, brutal realities, and realistic truth. History has been redefined and portrayed in a more favorable, softer, more gentle light only depicting the approved narrative. Thus, the vast majority of young people today may not even know of such people as Winston Churchill for example. As a result of this wanton ignorance, statues of such people must be destroyed and removed from the public arena. The same is true of course of Christianity. The Left has waged war on Christianity forever and in recent years has been successful in removing such horrors as Nativity Scenes from the public square. We certainly can not have harmful concepts such as marriage between one man and one woman resulting in a nuclear family model being taught. Other dangerous ideas such as truthfulness, not committing crimes, or demonstrating love to others. The Left prefers concepts such as free love, no accountability for your actions, and of course that all time favorite, victimhood.
So, yes we are living life like an episode of Superman’s Bizarro World. We have one of our two Political Parties which has moved so far left that it is barely recognizable as American in any way. The democrat party fights harder for illegal immigrants than the American citizens born here. The dems embrace Abortion and disguise the wholesale slaughter of millions of unborn by calling it Women’s Health or reproductive rights. The dems reject such things as Patriotism, American Exceptionalism, Capitolism while extolling the virtues of Socialism or worse. Despite the lofty rhetoric, the truth is that we citizens are to simply do as they say, not as they do. Consider what is happening right now in Seattle, Washington as the elected Mayor has ceded control, embraced the surrender of Police Precinct, and is supportive of the surrender of an entire, multi block area of the city to an occupying force of in some cases, armed protestors. To say that this is insane is a gross understatement but is none the less, a reality in Seattle, Washington today.
Yep, it is time to wake up from this nightmare, escape the alternate reality, and stop the further spread of this insanity before it is too late. How can we possibly escape this horrible, intolerable existence that the far Left wants to impose upon us? First, wake up and reject lies and deceptions you are being fed on a daily basis, Next, examine yourself in a comprehensive manner and determine your core beliefs, what you believe, why, and how you would defend those beliefs. Immediately find, support, and elect those who most align with your belief system. Do they embrace the principles upon which America was founded and grew to become the greatest nation on earth? Is our Representative Republic, the Constitution of The United States, and Bill Of Rights important to them? Do they believe in freedom, and liberties, and God given rights that so many have fought for and died for spanning two hundred plus years? If not, they must be rejected at all costs. If the idea of freedom and liberty is not alive and well in the party which represents you today, maybe it is time to wake up and change. Yes, not thinking for yourself is easy, letting the talking heads in the media tell you what the Elites want you to believe, and just going through life as a good little drone requires little to no thought or effort is certainly easier. You might even want to just surrender to it and just go about life in Bizarro World with your eyes wide shut. Ok, by all means feel free to do so. Surrendering my freedoms, rights, and God given liberties will not be allowed or tolerated however and will be met with all the resistance possible.
You might be perfectly content and happy to simply subsist in Bizarro World paying whatever cost necessary to do so. For me and those like me however, we will bitterly cling to our reality and life as we know it in America, the “Land Of The Free, and Home Of The Brave”. God bless America.