Yes, all things to do with or regarding Hitler’s Nazis is and was ugly, period. The word Nazi brings to mind horrors of unimaginable scale. At one point, we could almost all say that we were familiar with or had studied what life might have been like during WWII in Hitler’s Germany. Now, however we simply can not say that as revisionists are busily set about not teaching American youth the truth but rather some sanitized, revised, white washed version which excludes facts, details, or truths which might be offensive to the Left and those who are fixing history for us. After all, we simply are not capable of knowing the truth and what really took place. Oh sure, we have all heard that 6 million Jews were murdered under the brutal Nazi regime in the most horrible ways that depraved, sick minds could come up with. So yeah, there is that.
But what caused the rise of Hitler and the Nazis to power? The image above depicts the burning of books that were considered UnGerman or were simply unapproved. Today, we have not reached the “Book Burning” point yet but are busily attacking all things culturally unacceptable to the Left. Primarily, statue defacing, toppling, or removal is going on, when of course the protestors are not busy looting, burning, or murdering Cops. So how exactly is removing monuments, statues, or references to our history serving any purpose other than to keep radical, intolerant, brain dead little snowflakes from being offended? It isn’t any more than burning books will change things. Yet, it is simply another empty gesture and demonstration of symbolism over substance that allows the Left to “feel good” about themselves for being so caring and concerned about things that they don’t like and must protect the rest of us from.
And let us not forget, the absolute horror depicted in the animated kids show, Paw Patrol. WARNING, graphic depiction of fictitious children show below. VIEW at your own risk.
Yep, anything to do with Cops, History, or doesn’t fall in perfect line with approved Leftist narrative is under full assault by the tolerant, “Woke” leftists in the “Cancel Culture” and their friends and allies in the Mainstream Media (MSM), Hollywood, and Politicians. After all, anything that could possibly be construed or considered to be representational of law and order must be filtered or removed altogether.
Isn’t it interesting that the people calling for fairness and justice are the most intolerant group that there is. Don’t believe me, just go disagree with them and see what happens. In bygone days and more civil times, we could engage in passionate debate, the exchange of differing view points, and ideas that we were not forced to accept or necessarily even agree with. Today, this is absolutely not even remotely possible as the Left demands complete and total agreement with their agenda, or else.
For the Nazis to be able to rise to power, after the lofty sounding rhetoric promising good life, law and order, and everything that Hitler could think of to promise, the German people still had to be disarmed or none of it could have taken place. The ability to resist and defend themselves had to be completely obliterated or the world would be a very different place today. In all brutal, totalitarian regimes throughout history, it was disarming which proved to be pivotal to success in nearly every case. Yes, the Left has waged war on American ownership of firearms for decades and it continues today.
Today, we have seen the abandonment of Police Precincts or the burning of them leading to what we are witnessing in Seattle, Washington with a multi block area surrounding the abandoned police precinct being “Occupied” by a collection of homeless, Antifa, BLM, and who knows what other groups are claiming control. In other areas where the police did not abandon or cede control to Anarchists, this has not been able to happen. In all likelihood, despite the claim of a “Summer Of Love” by the Seattle Mayor and other Leftist politicians, we will most certainly witness a collapse and chaos at some point soon. The absence of control and law and order are always replaced with a break down of civility and peace. Perhaps not today, but soon it will happen. Minor skirmishes and clashes are already taking place in this little Leftist Utopia when someone dares differ with the group think of the mob.
The ideas which led to the rise and fall of the Nazi regime are nothing new. Those who think themselves enlightened and mistakenly think that ideas like “Defund The Police” are new are sadly mistaken and just plain wrong. The Nazis did it and replaced the police with the “Brown Shirts” who forcefully implemented Hitler’s idea of law and order. How did that work out for the Jews or other inferior mongrels as deemed by the Nazis? You might want to spend some time reading and studying history, while you still can do so. The German “Police State” was anything other than completely authoritarian.
When Leftists think that they have experienced an epiphany and come up with some ideology that is brilliant or timely, in all likelihood it is nothing more than a redux of failed ideas dating back throughout human history. The difference being that despite the creators of such political ideologies or philosophies not being able to make them work when tried throughout history, the arrogant Leftist of today thinks themselves to be superior and more capable of implementing Marxism/Socialism/Communism. For now, they best they are capable of mustering are some small scale little cultural cesspools only able to happen because of a complete and utter lack of leadership from their elected officials. Just consider how well it has worked out for places like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and so on, just to name a few. And, if so empowered in the elections, Leftists will busily go about the rebuilding of America in much the same way. So if you like what you see in San Francisco with having to get maps to avoid the human waste in the streets for example, and you want that to become the model for all of America, elect the leftists and see what happens.
For all of the Leftist droning on and on about social justice, fairness, and change, it never succeeds and always ends in complete failure. The lofty sounding ideas promising a new and brighter tomorrow are simply a failed pipe dream and completely unachievable. The delusion of the Left’s ideology has been tried, ad nauseam, throughout history and even today around the world with NO success. Consider Venezuela which a mere 10 years ago was the thriving, oil rich nation that has degraded to eating out of garbage cans, no toilet paper, and utter collapse under Socialist Dictators. And still, the Left would eagerly impose the same type of failure and collapse upon all of us if allowed to do so.
America does not need an overhaul, a tearing down and rebuilding, or anything that the radical Left envisions in their delusions of grandeur. No, we need to stand firm, resist, and maintain the way of life and form of Government which propelled America to being the greatest nation on earth. Americans are not fleeing to move to Leftist Utopias anywhere else on earth. No, we already have it right here in America. So why exactly, would we allow that to be taken from us? You might want to give that some serious thought and consideration before being duped into believing lies and fantasies, sold by slick sounding, pandering politicians or anyone else. Time to wake up and thing about what is at stake. The time is NOW.