So the latest lefty insanity appears to be to return to the abolition of US History in the form of destroying, defacing, and obliterating hundreds of year old statuary. Uh huh, boy that will sure show them how wonderful and justified they are, right? Umm, no! This is simply more of the same old spoiled brat, symbolism over substance, hyper reactionary morons in search of a boogyman to vilify for their cause, whatever that may be.
What next then? A return to book burning like depicted above? Are we to spare the world of any and all things which differ from the approved group think of the Left? After all, books can contain ideology which differs from the absolute adherence to all things Leftist and might actually stir the dangerous notion of free thought or even worse, an examination of fact, logic, and imperical evidence. Certainly can’t have that now, can we? Essentially, anything that the Left disagrees with must be hidden, covered, or completely destroyed much like the revisionist history that has been taught for far too long in our Education System. No worry, it is all fine so long as it serves to indoctrinate a little and keep the truth from being learned.
Common sense would dictate that dangerous actions such as poking a sleeping Giant, kicking a rattle snake, or pouring gasoline on an open fire might not be the sensible thing to do for fear of dangerous repercussions. What is the lion likely to do to the small boy depicted above after being prodded by a stick? We will just leave that to your imagination. Regrettably for the left, conservatives verses liberals in America are still superior in numbers. Yes, there are still many more Americans who identify as conservative than those who identify as liberals. And we can not discount the independents who can go either way depending on the issues, candidate, etc. with regard to political races. Situations such as fanaticism, radicalism, and unreasonable activism can serve to push those who identify as independent further to the right.
So where will this all lead? In Seattle, Washington, leftist activists have seized control of what the Mayor and others on the left are describing as a “Festive Zone” after the Police were forced to abandon a precinct building ceding control to the demonstrators over a week ago. In the absence of a police presence to maintain order and peace there have been reports of armed demonstrators extorting protection fees from businesses in the area and other criminal activity. But wasn’t all of this to highlight the tragic death of George Floyd? Perhaps in the beginning but the left will certainly never miss an opportunity during a crisis to exploit for their own good. After all, the left will never hesitate to use fear, force, and intimidation to promote their agenda. And for what, you might ask? Well, social justice and the left’s idea of “Fairness”. Try thinking about that without falling in the floor laughing hysterically. What the left can not win in the arena of social venues like at the ballot box, they will force down your throat, one way or another.
In this Leftist Revolution, the ends always justify the means, no matter who is hurt or destroyed. After all, it is for our own good and they of course always no what is best for us even if we do not understand that. So where is this mythical and magical well spring from which the Left gains all of the moral authority over the rest of us? How is it that the Left is the only purveyor of moral authority? Who ceded control of “Moral Authority” to the Left to begin with and when, where, how, and most certainly why would you do so? Yep, pretty valid questions right there. Quite simply, the Left simply took it. Time to start taking it back, don’t you think? Well of course, unless you want to end up looking like Venezuela or worse that is.