Police Free Zones …

What exactly will the leftist “Police Free Zones” look like if implemented. If we listen to the MSM (Mainstream Media), and I don’t recommend listening to the MSM unless you are fond of being lied to and used, momentum for “Defund Police” is spreading like crazy. Ok, so what will they have instead? A return to shootouts in the streets perhaps? Oh wait, we already have that, just look at Chicago for example.

The picture above is from what is happening today in Seattle after cops abandon a precinct completely in a move to supposedly deescalate. Uh huh, this is what your elected Leftist Officials are bringing about in states and cities that have far left, democrat control and many, have had one party (D) rule for decades. What will happen, when will the police return, who will protect the citizens in the absence of the Police? These questions will not be answered, sadly, until the adults step in and reinstall some degree of sanity again.

While the “Old West” model of taking your grievances to the streets and settling them like men might be somewhat appealing, this will likely not happen. What will likely happen is extortion, crime increases, and anarchy. The Left and Democrats have been waging war on cops for far too long and ordering cops to abandon precincts, stand down during riots, and leave protestors alone has resulted in too many deaths, including the police. Again, in primarily democrat controlled cities and states where Governors and Mayors have helplessly flailed while their cities are looted and burned on their watch. After all, it is one thing to assume a posture of strength and talk tough and actually having to take definitive action when everything is crashing around you. All too often, the response is to cave, cower, and cringe leaving people to fend for themselves.

Now really give this some consideration and thought. Consider what leftist democrat rule means in places like California and New York where the crushing tax rates and never ending rules and regulations which stifle and drain business. The cost of housing is unattainable for far too many, or criminals are a protected class over Americans especially if they are undocumented persons (Illegal Aliens). The image below illustrates one of the many, many homeless camps in Oakland, CA. Such camps are a blight all over dem controlled areas.

A woman who goes by the name T stays outside a friend’s tent near Northgate Avenue and Sycamore Street on Thursday, May 25, 2017, in Oakland, Calif. T was temporarily removed from her tent around the corner as Oakland officials cleared the street for cleaning.

This could easily be the model of what could prove to be nationwide expansion of far left, progressive democrat policy if they continue to be elected. The policies and failures of the Left would simply spread, unchecked from coast to coast plunging America into never before imaged decay and destruction. Those who prefer being treated like children but rather ceding control of their lives to government bureaucrats will make the decisions for all of us. They will decide how much soda we are allowed to consume, salt or no, butter on popcorn or no and these are just some of the never ending dictates which will be imposed on us. America will become some dystopian looking, third world country version, and nightmarish shadow of its former self as this plays out right before our eyes.

Freedoms, once surrendered will likely never be returned and could be lost forever. Free speech and all of the other rights guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill Of Rights will cease to exist. America will edge towards total chaos and anarchy as freedom dies in the last place on earth where much like a beacon of light on a hill, it still shines although somewhat dimmed now, but shine it does. As Benjamin Franklin once said, Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” You may surrender your freedoms and liberties but I will bitterly and forcefully cling to mine until death.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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