What is “Political Correctness”, where did it originate, and what is it for? The origins of PC (Political Correctness) go back to Marxism. The article explains the nefarious origins of PC and how totalitarian PC actually is. That alone speaks volumes but first, let us consider what PC is for. PC can be thought of as negative stereotyping or discriminating verbally, ok that certainly sounds nice and inoffensive but does it help those underlying feelings? After all, isn’t it the base emotions which brought about the concept of the stereotyping and discrimination to begin with? How does just changing or softening what you name or call something help achieve anything substantively? Obviously, it does not change anything but only serves to soften the harshness or coarseness of a word.
The following PragerU video is great. In the PragerU video, we see how controlling the words serves to control the culture. Or, opposing dissenting views such as disagreeing with the Left or democrats becomes intellectual insensitivity. This type of gobbledygook is actually quite dangerous as it serves to change how we think, by force. PC is either accepted as presented on its face or the dissenter is branded as intolerant, demonized, and vilified by the Left, the MSM, Democrats, and other such enlightened and superior beings.
Aside from the totalitarianism on full display today on College and University Campuses nationwide, we are continuing to see the true agenda of Leftists on display in cities and states across the country which are in the throes of rioting, looting, and demonstrations resulting from the absolutely unconscionable death of a man at the hands of a bad Police Officer. Sadly, the cop was white and the victim was black which creates the toxic soup in which the insanity has sprung from. This situation presented the radical Left with an opportunity to publicly air any and all grievances while attempting the true agenda of destroying America as is in hopes of bringing about revolutionary change. Most notably is the call to “Defund Police” nationwide despite the fact that the inherent racism is simply not to be found in the numbers and statistics which have been gathered nationwide. Oh well, overlook the facts and listen to the rhetoric instead or basically, symbolism over substance as usual.
No longer satisfied with grievances such as changing words for non existent offenses such as the case with the Left changing Christmas to Winter Holiday and destroying a cherished and beloved time for children who can no longer enjoy even a Candy Cane in school, or hear Christmas Carols, or even see “A Charlie Brown Christmas” because of those intolerant references to religion. Instead, they can joy in decorating for Winter Holiday instead while bowing to the alter of Political Correctness in every other way the Left seeks to impose their lunatic agendas on us by indoctrinating our children. This happens as PC becomes “Thought Control” or how we interpret and think about things. The resulting change in thought is brought about by force, not because we chose to change how we think about a thing but how we are allowed to talk about it.
This Reddit article, presents some interesting and thought provoking thoughts on weaponized PC. Consider the misguided and abjectly wrong idea that simply changing the way something sounds is constructive or effective in some way. Saying, “I am offended” is the catch phrase which forewarns of corrective actions to come with regard to the imposition of politeness of speech. In truth, PC is a weapon which is readily utilized by the Left to bludgeon the opposition into submission for fear of retaliation from the Left. Free Speech, despite being a Constitutionally guaranteed right is routinely overlooked, trampled, and crushed by the Left via the use of PC. Most notably today is the agenda of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and other cornucopia of leftist groups and causes. In the last few years, the concept of “White Privelege” has been utilized to argue the need for anyone of “Non Color” persuasion to bow at the alter or PC and pay homage for all of the wrongs and atrocities perpetrated against all those of color since the beginning of time.
This extremely dangerous precedent of silencing any and all opposition with PC is wide spread and routine. The MSM, leftist Politicians, Education System, and all manner of leftist groups and organizations such as BLM, Antifa, etc. will utilize PC given any opportunity to do so. Why, because it is so powerful and the success has been staggering. Do not buy into the PC movement of offense and victimhood. These flawed and dangerous mischaracterizations of truth, fact, and evidence are nothing short of being just plain lies. We must resist the all out effort to mandate compliance with no opposition at all costs. Stand up for what you believe and do not be swayed by force of any kind. America, as we know it is at stake.