There seems to be a strange desire for primarily white people to kneel of late. As this Youtube video shows, white people kneeling before black people in some misguided attempt at showing, what? And another video of a white woman being put on her knees in this video. Kneeling exemplifies different things to different groups such as kneeling for prayer, kneeling as a sign of submission, or kneeling in deference to a cause. It is the second definition, kneeling in submission that concerns me most. Historically, kneeling has been used by Tyrants and Dictators to demonstrate their superiority over those who must grovel in obedience to them. Throughout history, people have been made to kneel before Monarchs, Tyrants, and all manner of Despots.
Today, as evidenced in the videos referenced above, kneeling is primarily symbolic of submission to oppressive ideas. These oppressive ideas mainly come from political correctness which the Left uses as a weapon to bludgeon people into submission. The idea of “White Privilege” has successfully been used to create majors racial divisions and to foment hatred of people based on skin color alone. Of course this completely flys in the face of reason and logic but to those on the Left, it is a very powerful weapon that has successfully been used by incorporating the power of the Media. As the majority of Media outlets are controlled by Leftists who are in league with Leftist Politicians, the dividing lines between the two factions have become very blurred and almost imperceptible. The Media have gladly portrayed recent demonstrations, uprisings, and anarchy related to the George Floyd death as being symbolic of systemic racism despite the evidence simply not supporting these assumptions.
Fear of the Media, angry mobs, and Leftists stifles many who would normally speak out in opposition to this modern form of Tyranny. Angry mobs, rioting, looting, and attacking Police and Military does little to further your cause in the name of “Justice” but rather creates an image of Anarchy. Activists infiltrate otherwise peaceful groups of demonstrators and fan the flames of hatred whipping the crowd into an angry mob willing to destroy, loot, and burn. Many have been attacked or even murdered for simply opposing them or trying to protect businesses from being looted or burned.
All too often, the leadership in areas that are hardest hit cower in fear and do nothing to stop the violence or maintain order. Either complete incompetence or utter cowardice paralyzes them into inaction or wrong action. Incapable of even implementing reasonable curfews to impede the ability of those who are willing and wanting to enact violence and chaos, theses so called leaders have attempted to say that what we are currently witnessing is the so called, “New Normal”. No, this is not normal and must be resisted and rejected completely. Order and peace must be maintained at all costs with no submission to violent mobs who will gladly take advantage of any and all perceived weakness. Now is a time for strong and decisive leadership, not wanton cowardice.
The damage that is being done will have consequences for years and decades to come. In some cities, leaders are ordering the removal of statuary and whitewashing our very history in ridiculous and wrong headed gesture. Cowardly caving and making empty, symbolic gestures to very minor, vocal groups of activists is simply foolish and weak. Imposing the will of a angry minority on the vast majority to symbolize solidarity with them will backfire at some point. Much like beating a sleeping giant with a stick, it might seem like the thing to do at the moment but you must realize that when that sleeping giant gets up, you will have to contend with his wrath.
Utilizing wisdom and reasoned responses to tragic events is always better than knee jerk, hyper emotional actions. Mob rule seldom, if ever works out in the right way. Seeking justice by destroying, looting, rioting, or attacking others is certainly not the answer, ever. Those who would incite others to commit such acts should be punished accordingly and must always be denied the ability to spread lies fuel the flames of hatred, especially in the public square. Actions today will have consequences tomorrow and some might just come back to bite us in very unfavorable ways. Being submissive to evil will not stop it and we must resist evil and oppression at all costs, always. A secular society which is far too tolerant of evil will never create an atmosphere of peace and harmony, only God can. Maybe we are overdue for a revival to turn back to God.