Resistance Is Futile …

Resistance is futile is a slogan made famous by the episodes of Star Trek which highlighted a robotic group of conquerors who were spreading through the Universe “Assimilating” everything that they came in contact with. Those who encountered the Borg were to become part of the “Hive” mind which controlled this marauding band of formidable robotic warriors. Those who were assimilated became mindless drones who were only capable of carrying out the orders from the Borg Queen. Ever increasing modifications would be made to humans transforming them into perfect, mindless, drones doing the bidding of their Queen. Sadly, this is a perfect representation of what is taking place with the Left.

Take for instance what we have witnessed and endured during the entirety of the Tramp Administration to date. When the seriousness of the Trump candidacy was realized, the Left immediately announced and declared total resistance. Leftists players in the Intelligence community, the Media, and the so called “Deep State” were called into action. The realization that Trump was not only a serious candidate but was going actually be elected drove the Left into immediate hysteria and panic.

The MSM (Mainstream Media) has eagerly and willingly participated in an all out, orchestrated, assault to damage, demean, and if possible, remove Trump from office. Every tactic in the arsenal of the Left has been employed to achieve this ultimate goal. The baseless, untrue, dirty democrat dossier, which was bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign became the basis for what would become the silent coup attempt by the highest levels of the FBI and others in the “Deep State” who were seeking to destroy the Trump Administration and anyone who was associated with it. Outright lies were parroted endlessly by hardline, activist, broadcasters if they had any hope of damaging Trump or those associated with him.

Journalistic integrity was sacrificed on the alter of political correctness and what at one point might have been an unbiased, somewhat honest media has become nothing short of simply being the attack dog arm of the Democrats and Leftists. Unsourced, non investigated, anonymous sources are used and presented as credible, regardless of the ridiculous and absurd allegations so long as it might hurt Trump, Republicans, or Conservatives. Raw, naked hatred is now fully on display from those who spew venomous rhetoric, leftist talking points, and agenda driven activism on a non stop manner encompassing news cycles for days on end.

Should you dare oppose them in any way, the Left will turn on you with cannibalistic fury and utterly destroy you and then move on to the next victim. But what of free speech, civil debate, free thinking you might ask? These outdated, mundane concepts no longer exist on the Left. Ask Ben Shapiro or any conservative who has dared to or attempted to present a different worldview to the students of just about any American College or University Campus. The result is typically rioting, shouting, and the shutdown of the speaker immediately. Such schools are little more than echo chambers for Communist, Marxist, Socialist, professors who are sometimes participants in the riots themselves. No longer capable of listening to opposing views, intellectually analyzing, and civilly debating, the Left immediately resorts to shouting, shutting down, and intimidating anyone who dare speak in opposition to them.

Today, we are witness to the systemic and wanton destruction of American cities at the hands of violent, radical, activists who seek any reason possible to become violent and destructive. How quickly were and are what begins as peaceful demonstrations hijacked by radical, leftist, groups like Antifa who agitate, and instigate, the crowds into riots, looters, and even murderers at times? Rather than appealing to calmer, cooler heads in these situations, the MSM gleefully become willing pawns who utilize their megaphone to call for such ridiculous agenda items as “Defunding The Police”.

Basically, those who shout and demand fairness are the very ones who demand blind, complete, allegiance to their cause, no matter what. You simply adopt their agenda or you are the enemy, period. No grey areas, moderation, and not up for debate, total allegiance or none at all is the norm to those on the Left. Much like the aforementioned, fictional Borg, the leftists utilize any and all tools necessary as the end justifies the means in their worldview. In the end, you are either assimilated and obedient, or you will be attacked.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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