Why are Democrats, Progressives, or Liberals so quick on the draw to jump to knee jerk reactions when something happens and they see an opportunity to take advantage of a situation? Such is the case with the “Defund Police” movement that we are hearing so much about now in light of the horrifying death of George Floyd which has sparked protests, demonstrations and riots across the country for the past nine plus days? Defund the police? Can you say insanity? Defund the police and do what exactly?
With little to no forethought, consideration, or even logical thought processes, the Left jumps to impose the most insane policies imagineable down the throats of all Americans. Whether good, bad, or just plain crazy, the Left acts and reacts from a position of emotionalism or pretense. If it appears to be fair, or allows one to feel good about a situation, then the Left seeks to force it on us all. If necessary, the Left will impose their will by force. After all, the Left consider themselves to be more enlightened, smarter, and just better at deciding what is best for us than we are for ourselves. Is this unparalleled arrogance, self righteous, and ridiculous, of course it is. Often times, the Left take on the mantle of superiority simply because they adopt the mindset of the Left. If one blindly follows the marching orders, unquestioningly, blindly repeating the daily talking points to other in the echo chamber or in the MSM (Mainstream Media), then you too can be a good little, mind numbed lemming who is controllable, malleable, and pliable to urging of your controllers who seldom, if ever, expose themselves to the repercussions of their own actions.
Consider for instance, the “Shot Callers” for far left, radical groups like Antifa. Most likely, while we see masses of predominantly young, radical, protesters, interspersed with activists and even paid antagonists during rioting, looting, and worse which is taking place across America following the death of George Floyd, the leaders are seldom to be seen, much less found. No, they are typically sitting comfortably in the PJs, in mom and dad’s basement, organizing, planning, and distributing the marching orders to primarily disadvantaged youth in the affected areas. To think that Antifa or groups associated with Antifa are disorganized, unfounded, spontaneous grass roots organizations if simply wrong. These far left, radical, subversive groups are anything but and are in fact well funded, well organized, and now classified as Domestic Terrorist groups and rightly so.
One must consider the overall goal of groups like Antifa or the Left at large. This goes back to the 1930’s or earlier with the imposition of Communist groups into the American scene. These groups began to infiltrate American Politics, the Education System, and Government and started spreading their poison which like a cancerous tumor has only grown and spread over time. Infecting every organism that it touches and spreading a worldview which only seeks to destroy our current form of Government, Capitalism, and American Prosperity, the Left has spread unchecked for decades. Take a look at what is happening on College and University campuses throughout America with restrictions on “Free Speech” and thought for example. How about who owns the major Corporations which control the narrative of the MSM? How about the resistance movement which is so prevalent in US Government? Even the highest levels of the Intelligence Community who were complicit in what can most aptly be described as a “Silent Coup” committed against a duly elected American President, Donald J. Trump saw collusion planned and carried out against Trump and Associates and continues today.
What of Leftist policy and the effect on the American populace at large? Countless stories can be found illustrating the complete failure of Leftist policy just about anywhere and everywhere it is implemented. Just look at states and major cities which are controlled by Leftist Democrats and have been for decade after decade. How have these states and cities fared and how strong are they today? How do those who live in these areas like the staggering taxation, draconian policies which strangle free enterprise, or regulations which remove one’s ability to use plastic straws, or eat popcorn cooked in the wrong kind of oil, or choose a large fountain drink over an approved size? This is more like citizens being treated like incompetent children that self supporting adults. The “Nanny State” mentality can only be found and implemented in cities and states which are and have been controlled by far left minded Democrats who are at the helm of the sinking ships everywhere they hold power.
Now, with far left, radical, and even violent groups like Antifa controlling the narrative and directing the reactions of the mobs involved in the looting, burning, and assaults on all who dare oppose the anarchy the want to enact, what kind of future will we, the obedient, civilized, peaceful citizens of this country have to look forward too? If Police Departments are defunded, disbanded, and done away with, what will we have in its place? Will the Left stop at simply doing away with Police? Not likely, the Left has wanted to defund and do away with the US Military for a very long time too. Be careful what you wish for, you might not like what you bring about in America. What kind of Dystopian, Orwellian, future could we possibly face if the Left is allowed to impose its will on us overall? The thought brings paralyzing fear and panic at the very thought of it. God bless America.