Indoctrination Nation ….

Poll: 58% of Young, College-Educated Americans Say Riots Are Justified

Parents, what is the cost of a College Education for your child? If you are paying for your child to go to a College or University, you know that it is anything other than cheap. The cost of housing, tuition, books, etc. can reach mind boggling amounts. So what exactly are you getting for that vast sum of money? How does the level of education that your kids are getting at US College and Universities rate? The PEW Research story referenced in the link about College and Universities shows that US schools rank dismally low when compared to schools throughout the world.

Education in the US has been in decline for decades as the Left has tightened its grip and control of the Education System. How does this affect the education of our children and what is the result of this overt indoctrination effort today? The story referenced above showing that 58% of College educated Americans say that riots are justified should send shivers down the spines of everyone. What could this portend for the future of this country? We must remember that these same Americans who believe that Riots are justified are the doctors, lawyers, and business leaders of today and tomorrow.

Agenda driven education which focuses heavily on such things as Social Justice factors and political correctness are at the core of the problem. If the focus for educating our youth is to move away from the pure sciences such as Math, Science, and History for example, then what do organization such as the NEA (National Education Association), Teachers Unions, and others, what is the focal point? Social Justice of course and all things which the Progressive Movement embraces. This is evidenced by what has taken place over the last few decades in the public school system implementing and promoting the “Gay Agenda”. Promoting this agenda has far exceeded just being accepting of homosexuals but has glorified, and embraced this lifestyle choice as the hip and cool thing to be. So kids who might not otherwise be predisposed to questioning their sexuality suddenly experience peer pressure to challenge their sexual identity assigned by birth. Could this possibly confuse young kids, absolutely yes and by design.

America has been gripped with rioting scenes of rioting, looting, arson, and even the murder of law enforcement officers and others brought about by the tragic death of George Floyd recently. Currently, there is no end in sight for this orchestrated, coordinated, anarchy which takes place, primarily in Blue States with Leftist Democrat Governors and Mayors who sit idly by and do nothing to even enforce the laws of this country. Rather they sit by silently allowing the wanton destruction of private property, looting, and even assault and murder of innocents including Police Officers at the hands of these terrorists who come out after dark to implement and perpetrate their evil plans.

Sadly, we have allowed this mentality to gain an unchecked foothold in our school systems and College and University Campuses across America dating back to when the Left first started gaining control over this critical element of American life. The Left of course realized how powerful a tool this could prove to be with decade after decade of properly indoctrinated kids who no longer even understand how to think for themselves, question their environment, or utilize critical thinking and logic, or develop strong moral codes to guide them. Prayer and God were not only removed from schools but have become sources of scorn and ridicule to the Left. Those who embrace a Christian worldview are mocked and vilified in the media who spew hatred towards anyone who would dare challenge them.

So what will this mean moving forward? Will we have doctors and lawyers who take care of us during the day but riot, burn, and loot after dark? Are College and University campuses simply indoctrination centers and echo chambers of all things Leftist or Progressive? The answer seems to be a resounding yes which is horrifying. Our kids are no longer taught or even exposed to such things as Civics to arm them with an understanding of the founding and what transpired to make America the greatest nation on earth. The Founding documents are mocked and demeaned by the enlightened elitists who prefer utopian visions of socialism and communism and actively seek to bring about the collapse of our way of life in order to promote some fantasy of revolution in America to cause a move to such flawed form of government. Theses overpaid, overprivileged imbeciles are allowed to fill the heads of our kids with ridiculous nonsense, day after day, which turns into decade after decade, and the result is mind numbed lemmings who no longer even possess the will to think for themselves or challenge what they are being taught to accept. In many cases, parents are horrified to hear their children parrot the ridiculous rhetoric they are exposed to in these liberal echo chambers throughout America.

Just consider what has happened to our 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech. What happens when free speech is restricted or filtered through leftist imposed speech codes, etc.? The results are chilling at best. Think back to situations like the riots which occurred at Berkeley when someone of a different political worldview dared to attempt to present alternative thoughts to the students. Anytime someone who did not march in lockstep and agree in totality with Leftist Worldview dared to attempt to speak, the ensuing riots, destruction of property, and anarchy was and is unbelievable to say the least. No longer is there any possibility of debate or the civil exchange of ideas in America. You either adhere in totality to the prevailing mentality which is rammed down your throat via your education or you are quickly banished into the realm of being an enemy and become fair game of the Left’s smear and destroy machine.

This situation should serve as a dire warning for all Americans but certainly to the parents who pay vast sums of money to have their children pushed through this nefarious system. Having children who lack the ability to think for themselves, agree in totality with the ideology which was foisted on them by Leftists Educators, and march in lockstep with Leftist Agendas is beyond frightening and unacceptable. At the very essence of Education should be the principle of “Free Thought” and the ability to question what they are taught. Are they too simply accept and emulate whatever progressive agenda they are exposed to in the Education System? It certainly appears to be the case. It is not even merely that they are taught to accept Leftist indoctrination whole cloth and without question but are literally taught to hate those who possess differing worldview and belief systems. This will not bode well for the future of America.

The Left has been patiently working to implement and exert their will over such things as the Education System, Political System, and Government overall going back to the 1930’s and beyond when planks from the Communist Manifesto was promoted and took root in places like Hollywood. Since the 1930’s, the tentacles have spread and taken root much like a cancerous tumor slowly killing the host. This has produced an evil shadow diligently and patiently working in the dark to promote its evil agenda. Unable to push a full Communist doctrine, Leftists began to embrace and promote a softer version in hopes of luring unsuspecting and malleable activists into their cause. Spewing hatred towards American values and lifestyle, students are led to believe that revolution is the answer and nothing short of a complete collapse of our current form of Government must be achieved. Instilling radical leftists into high levels of Government for example who will utilize subterfuge to implement a progressive agenda has been happening for many decades in America. The latest example of this cabal of like minded activists is evidenced by what has transpired when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States opposing the radical far left Hillary Clinton. Details of how nefarious the silent coup attempt to remove Trump has been are still coming out, ever so slowly as the perpetrators are identified and the magnitude of this comes to light. The goal was the removal of a duly elected President of the United States and the Left was wiling to go to any extreme or utilize any means necessary to achieve this goal.

America is indeed in crisis and never before have the dividing lines between the Left and the Right been more defined and clear. My belief has been for many years that the next great conflict and crisis will be between the opposing worldview and belief systems. Having 58% of College Graduates believing that riots are acceptable in a civil society is chilling to the bone. It will likely only get worse with time. Allowing the spread of unchecked control and power and an Education system which only teaches the agenda of the far left can not be allowed to continue. Be on notice and be forewarned now, tomorrow is at stake.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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