The MSM (Mainstream Media) and Political Pundits are fond of the term which was recently coined to describe post COVID Pandemic life but has recently expanded to include the riots which have no clear end in sight. New Normal? Really? What does this portend for our future if we are to accept the very flawed buzz word, New Normal? By normal, do they mean that everyone is to be “Masked” to be in public henceforth? Are riots, arson, and assault anytime something happens that the Left disagrees with the “New Normal”? What will that mean for life as we currently no it moving forward into the future.
Life today is much like what one would imagine living out George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” book where the Elites enrich themselves beyond measure from the “Public Troth” and excuse themselves from the laws and lifestyle that they impose on the rest of us. Since when did public service mean that elected representatives have endless access to public coffers which they use and seem to think of as their personal “Piggy Banks”? Consider the net worth of a newly elected representative in Congress and what their net worth quickly becomes after they take office. Consider the case of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez commonly referred to as AOC. Starting off with a reported $15,000.00 in savings and an average salary of $174,000.00 per year, it will be interesting to see how long it takes her to become a millionaire, if she isn’t already.
Today, we have riots, looting, arson, and assaults taking place in cities across America. Listening to pundits and MSM we are to believe that this is somehow the “New Normal”. Peaceful protest of intolerable and abhorrent behavior by anyone should and is perfectly acceptable. We have a Constitutional right as guaranteed by the First Amendment to do so. The operative word and key component is of course the word, peaceful. What we are witnessing shortly after dark even if what might have begun as a peaceful protest seem to quickly devolve into anything other than peaceful protests. Despite their best efforts to excuse and cover for the Looters, Rioters, Thugs, and Criminals who are engaging in riots, arson, looting, and even murder, the MSM and pundits do their very best to try to convince us that it is the case. This must not be tolerated, period. We are being wantonly lied to by those who supposedly have our best interest at heart. Despite their lofty sounding rhetoric, we get anything other than the truth.
Sadly, the riots and other crimes are anything other than random by any stretch of the imagination. These situations seem to be highly organized and planned up to paying some of the protagonists who infiltrate and carry out pre planned crimes such as looting, arson, assault, etc. Largely to blame is one prominent group, Antifa. Refer to the story referenced by the link on the word, Antifa to gain a better understanding of who and what this radical, far left group of what has now been classified as Domestic Terrorists truly are. Groups such as Antifa seek the destruction of America and Anarchy, plain and simple. Prominent politicians such as Barack Obama attempt to tell us that rioting is the “New Normal”. This is absolutely horrifying and wrong headed to say the least and yet such sentiments are oft echoed by the MSM.
It is certainly interesting to consider that the people who were feigning outrage over people going to the beach and other activities as states begin to reopen after the mandated “Stay At Home Orders” that we have lived under for the past several months, are completely silent about the massive crowds of protestors and those engaging in what happens after dark. Did I miss something? Did COVID19 mysteriously disappear when the protests and riots started a little over a week ago? Yes, life is certainly going to be different moving forward after the COVID Pandemic and there will certainly be debates on the effectiveness of masks in the days and weeks to come. Despite the ever changing medical models, and data which is being gathered as we go along, what does or does not work will come to light. Sadly, often armed with little more than speculation or feelings, the MSM parrots whatever talking points are approved for the daily news cycle regardless of fact, science, or truth of the matter to begin with.
The bottom line is simply this, we must be very careful and question the veracity of just about everything that we hear. Due diligence should be exercized by those who honestly seek the truth and we must not blindly accept the lofty sounding talking points. How dangerous is this? Consider the entire Trump Administration and how the MSM, Left, and Democrats have reacted. These are certainly to go down in history as shameful, sad, pathetic chapters of what has become of our society and what we are expected to tolerate. If we are to accept knee jerk over reactions and pandering to leftists and their agenda as the new normal, the future will be anything other than a bright one.