To stand by quietly, doing nothing to stop evil is to be complicit or an accomplice to it as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. so aptly stated above. What does our silence say about what lies in our hearts? By doing nothing, are we saying that we agree or condone the evil acts being committed around us simply because there are large numbers of people engaged in committing evil acts? Are we paralyzed by fear and incapable of mustering the will and strength to stand up and demonstrate courage due to a lack of moral fortitude or core character traits? There is no argument that far too much evil is taking place all around us, every day.
If we look at what has been happening in cities around this country for the past week because of what took place in the George Floyd tragedy, we have to question what is truly at the core of the situation. I will say without reservation that what happened to George Floyd can not be allowed to happen to another human being, period. Regardless of the fact that a man in a police uniform committed an atrocity and deprived a man of his most precious gift, his very life, it was wrong. Just because someone is in a position of authority and trust does not give them the right to abuse such position or to disregard the public trust such as in the George Floyd case.
For seven days and counting, we have been witness to mostly peaceful protests taking place during the daylight hours but quickly turning to violence, destruction, and chaos in the evening and night time. Peaceful protests are to honor George Floyd and those who are damaged by wrongful actions. Such protests are to be applauded and embraced as they send the right message and statement. However, when the situation turns into one of large crowds of people who assault law enforcement officers with everything from water bottles to bricks or worse, who them loot everything in sight, and set fire to trash cans to buildings, then this is anarchy and must not be tolerated or allowed in any way. No civil society, no matter how secular or worldly can survive this type of terrorism.
What do situations like rioting, looting, and burning say about our culture and society at large? How have we arrived at a place where such wholesale criminality and evil is believed to be acceptable? Where is the mass outrage and condemnation of such large numbers of people who seem to believe that it is alright to assault others, to destroy businesses, or to burn buildings? Where are the strong responses to out of control situations which allow these types of activities to happen to begin with? In most if not all of the areas with democrat leadership, there hasn’t been any response other than silence. If we listen to the MSM (Mainstream Media), or leftists politicians, this type of activity is to be tolerated if not applauded. It has even been said that these out of control mobs are entitled to loot and burn and destroy to express their outrage over the offenses which have transpired. Really? Are you kidding me with that tripe? Are we now living in a “Twilight Zone” episode gone bad?
No, one of the major problems is that society is corrupt and evil in too many cases. When leftists are allowed to suppress or remove God from public venues, when our children are indoctrinated, not educated, and leadership promotes agendas that fly in the face of morality, then this is the result. When God is not welcome anywhere but behind closed doors and suppressed at every turn, what takes the place in people’s hearts? There are only two choices, good or evil. If we are not teaching our children to embrace good and reject evil at all costs, then what will they demonstrate, what will their actions say about their core belief systems? Is it any wonder that we see such level of hatred and evil demonstrated by our young people? When social media platforms allow if not assist in planning mob riots, looting, and anarchy, the MSM fans the flames by spewing lies and false narratives, and political parties embrace and excuse such actions. When actors and sports figures are embraced and accepted as cultural heroes but demonstrate a complete lack of character in their personal lives, this is sending the wrong message completely.When celebrities and Actors are raising money to pay the bail and free the criminals who are arrested for committing crimes, this is sending the wrong signal to our young people. When Mayors and Governors refuse to allow police to utilize the tools necessary to contain situations and maintain order, then evil is the result.
So what is the answer? We acknowledge that what happened in the death of George Floyd was wrong and can not be tolerated. We protest, stand in solidarity and say that change must come in the right way. We pray and grieve to honor the victims and their families. We stand strong in response to evil acts and quickly quell the uprisings with overwhelming and necessary force to match that with which we are faced. We allow our law enforcement agencies, National Guard, and leadership to utilize the necessary tools to do so. We return to being a civil society which embraces the right core values and principles upon which this country was built and has allowed us to rise to being the greatest nation on earth. We turn back to God and the values of the Bible, this is the only solution and answer. If not, today and tomorrow may not fare well and evil may rule the day.