Unfree Speech …

The image above is an example of what happens on the Berkeley campus when someone who disagrees with leftist ideology attempt to speak to the students. But wait, what about the 1st Amendment right of free speech? Unfortunately, the left gladly overlooks free speech rights if it differs from their agenda in any way. We no longer have the ability to have reasoned, civil debates of topics without risking the possibility of mob violence or all out rioting up to and including the destruction of private property along with setting fire to their own college buildings at times.

The media is no better with regard to censoring free speech. Social media is no longer even attempting to hide the pretense of bias and hatred of alternative views or beliefs especially regarding conservative view points. Just look at what is currently happening on Social Media platforms that hire far left, conservative hating “Fact Checkers” to approve or disapprove of posts conflicting with the accepted party line from the echo chamber. A prime example is what is taking place with the removal of PragerU videos from Social Media platforms that completely disagree with the what Prager’s videos represent. More specifically, alternate view points which disagree with leftists views in any way. But are the videos misleading, inaccurate, or false in any way? No, but truth, fact, and empirical evidence no longer matter if it flys in the face of what the left chooses to believe about something.

The greatest weapon the left has been able to utilize in the war on free speech has been political correctness. The “PC” sledge hammer has been successfully used to batter any who dare disagree with the leftist agenda in any way into fearful submission. Consider the all out war on religion by the left and what it has meant for such offensive things as Christmas. Under the false pretense of “Separation of Church and State”, any and all reference of religion must be scrubbed from the public venue, according to the left. To the left, the fact that separation of church and state is no where to be found in the US Constitution, the premise still gives them the legitimacy to wage an all out war against religion. Political Correctness has successfully removed all reference to Christmas from the public education domain and replaced it with such endearing PC references as “Winter Holiday or Friendship Tree” and other such nonsensical dribble. Fear of the left and the sledge hammer of Political Correctness has prevented much, if any opposition to the hijacking of our 1st Amendment protected freedom of speech.

What will this all mean moving forward? Can America survive if our liberties and rights are diminished or completely removed? Despite being guaranteed by the US Constitution, can you still speak freely and express your thoughts, opinions, or beliefs openly? Wielding the formidable power of the club of political correctness, even our thoughts must be beaten into submission by the left. A prime example of this is what is called “Hate Crimes”. In other words, if assaulting someone based on their sexual preference were not bad enough in and of itself, the left presumes to know what is in someones mind and heart adding weight to the seriousness of the crime or offense committed. Hate crime conviction often carry more weighted and lengthier sentences simply because of the addition of the label, “Hate Crime” being added. Ok, so if they can get away with presuming to know our hearts and minds legitimizing the “Thought Police”, where will it end?

As “Orwellian” and chilling as this situation is when students are no longer capable of hear dissenting views without resorting to riots, or when the far left controlled media puts their hatred and bias on full display daily with what is supposed to pass for the reporting of news, or the ongoing war against Christianity in society, America is in great peril. Stifling free speech or the ability to restrict liberties or remove our rights in anyway makes the left giddy. Americans who still value any form of freedom or liberty should be chilled to the core by what is tolerated from the left today. The Pandemic has granted incredible power like never before to those in control of our country and especially states at present. Under the advice of what we believe to be informed, and educated medical experts and scientists, America has been virtually halted and come to a grinding halt. Stay at home orders have been issued by many states governors lasting at times for in excess of several months with some having no end in sight. Recently, this has come under fire as having been false to begin with and having been based on faulty and flawed predictions and models. Some blue state governors have simply been unable to control themselves and they have brought to bare the full weight and power of their office upon any who dare challenge this new found power and authority in very punitive ways. In some cases, threatened with the loss of licenses such as in the case of an elderly Barber who was simply trying to earn a living. The rise of such petty despots is typical of leftist politicians who are mostly interested in promoting leftist policy and agenda along with lining their pockets with money earned by hard working, tax paying Americans.

If America is to survive as the “Representative Republic” that we were founded as, there is going to have to push back and resistance to the total destruction of our values and way of life that has served this country so well since it began over two hundred years ago. Our Constitutionally guaranteed rights and liberties must be preserved at all costs. As Benjamin Franklin so wisely stated, Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. And what is even worse is the number of leftist who are not only willing and eager to surrender their rights and liberties but would gladly do so with the surrender of all of our rights along with theirs. Allowed to continue, I fear that we will soon realize, all too late, that our rights have been lost forever if we do not stop the advance of the cancer that is the leftist agenda immediately. Not doing so could have permanent consequences resulting in America becoming something unrecognizable to any freedom loving patriots who remain. We must all carefully consider where we stand on such critical issues as this and act accordingly, while we still can.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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