It is no longer even arguable that the “Media” is biased and promotes agendas. This should not come as a surprise to anyone. One has only to consider who owns the large corporations who own the media and who runs them. What is the Leftist/Progressive agenda and how will it affect America? One of the most frightening aspects seems to be that most, if not all leftists/progressives unite behind the single idea that America must somehow be rebuilt, reshaped, and made again in some socialist utopia. For this to work, capitalism and the free market, the very cornerstones upon which America was founded and built along with freedom of religion, must be destroyed completely. Then, and only then can leftists install what they believe to be a more fair and favorable system. The problem with socialism, as Margaret Thatcher so aptly stated is, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.†So then what? The leftist solution is the ridiculous theory of “income inequality” which results in any percentage of nothing equals nothing.
Has socialism/communism/progressivism ever worked before throughout history? This question is highly contentious and fiery. There is no simple answer but most accurately, the answer is no. These political philosophies continue to move left towards radicalism.
The two American political parties have distinct and dramatically different belief systems. Undeniably, the media have aligned themselves with one of these two parties, namely the left or democrats. Having said that, it is obvious to any who still possess any inkling of an ability to think for themselves that this results in the media promoting the agenda of the left. All things leftist in nature will be presented in a highly favorable manner while anything in opposition to whatever agenda the left is promoting will be demonized, vilified, and characterized as baseless, wrong headed, and crazy. Never before has this been more evident and media bias on full display than now, with the election of President Donald Trump.
Not to mention what can only be described as the biggest political scandal in US history which is the attempted coup perpetrated by the Obama Administration against Donald Trump and anyone associated with it. Evidence of this plot, conspiracy, and coup continue to unfold despite having taken nearly the entirety of President Trump’s first term in office to do so. Information, documents, and the truth have been hidden and suppressed at all costs by all players involved and only under threat of extreme action have facts begrudgingly come to light. And what has the media reported on this situation? Mostly nothing, the silence with regard to leftist wrongdoing is deafening. When the shoe is on the other foot however, the coverage is non stop whether valid or not. And what of journalistic integrity and dedication to the truth? That flew out the window when Trump announced that his intention to run for the Presidency was serious. After that proclamation, anything that could possibly even damage republicans or conservatives became fair game. No longer were facts or imperial evidence required and Anonymous sources, distortions, and complete fabrications became the norm with regard to reporting. Approved talking points, buzz words, and themes were approved by those who control the media and then disseminated to the talking heads who gleefully run to the cameras and megaphones to spew their disdain to outright hatred of all things Trump and republicans.
How has this incredible degree of media bias affected us and continues to do so? America is now arguably as divided as it has ever been since its inception. People are more divided along racial lines, political lines, sexual lines than every before with no end to the divisive, destructive rhetoric of the left in sight. Rather, the more divided we are, in their minds, the easier we will be to control with progressive propaganda. This will not end well for anyone and my belief is that the damage inflicted has us teetering on the very brink of being able to even survive and continue as a country under our current form of government. Progressive want to do anything and everything to stack the deck in their favor to gain and maintain power at all costs. The importation of illegal immigrants solely because the belief is that said illegals immigrants will in all likelihood align with the left, especially if they are dependent on social welfare programs promoted by the left. Abolishing the Electoral College has been promoted by the left, especially after the last Presidential Campaign in which Hillary Clinton is said to have won the “Popular Vote” but lost because of the Electoral College. The latest leftist iteration to be offered is the idea of “Vote By Mail” which is fraught with problems most of which would allow for unscrupulous or illegal activity such as ballot harvesting, stuffing ballot boxes, and other unseemly activities all of which would favor the democrats who have no problem with wrong doing. To the democrats and the left, the ends justify the means is the closely held philosophy as dictated by such as Saul Alinsky and the 12 rules for radicals. Or the other heroes to the left, Cloward and Piven strategy which is embraced by leftist and democrats.
The latest example of course is the COVID19 situation. We have witnessed the breathless presentations of media pundits extolling the dramatically inflated numbers of deaths as indicated by very flawed scientific models and projections. The reality has been that the death rates have not even been relative to those of the regular flu strains as experienced annually. But, all things Pandemic have given the democrats and leftists unprecedented opportunities to push the leftist wishlist in the guise of aid for those affected by the Pandemic. Unparalleled government spending for pet leftist projects had to be agreed upon in order to allow for funds to help the unemployed or businesses shuttered under draconian restrictions and “Stay At Home” orders imposed by state governors. State governors who normally do not experience this level of control in normal circumstances have shown their true colors as some have demonstrated an eager desire to act like petty tyrants at the very least. Some who are drunk on power have demonstrated their gleeful ability to impose restrictions on things that they dislike such as the closing of churches and religious functions. In some circumstances, primarily in blue democratic states such as Michigan and Kentucky, the war on religion is still quite evident. Despite federal orders to reopen and allow churches to conduct services, some blue state Governors are only complying when sued and threatened with the loss of federal funding before complying in any way. This will go down as a truly sad time in our history. The media however could not seem to be more overjoyed than when they report on pet agenda items such as the war on religion.
Will there be push back and changes? I certainly pray that this is the case as a lopsided presentation of only one side of an issue is harmful in many ways. Americans deserve an unbiased, fair presentation of facts and evidence upon which we can better base our thoughts and opinions and draw more informed conclusions. In the absence of unbiased and truthful presentation of facts and evidence, we are left with the left’s attempt to force us to think and draw preconceived conclusions. To say that this is unacceptable is a gross understatement. Not since Russian state media, Pravda have we witnessed such manipulation of what is presented in the media with the chilling affect of preordained conclusions resulting from crafting the narrative to favor a political philosophy of thought. Change must come and quickly if free thinking is to survive. If actions are a good indicator, the media does not appear to desire that we engage in free thinking. The media wields huge power to direct the narrative and agenda with regard to how people perceive and what they think. If we are being lied too and not getting the truth but rather skewed and biased agenda driven narratives, is it any wonder that push back seems to be inevitable? Only time will tell.