Are there problems with the situation involving George Floyd’s death? Absolutely yes and it will be addressed quickly in the judicial system of law. As a former Police Officer and Corrections Officer I find this situation to be horrific at best. Is there wrong doing, unnecessary force, and mishandling of a simple arrest? Of course and it will be dealt with correctly in the legal system. Is what is taking place in cities across America the proper response such as the image above illustrates? NO!!
Do I understand the frustration, fear, and mistrust over the situation? Of course, and reasoned, cooler heads must prevail to bring justice to the victims of this tragedy. Are protest even warranted? Arguably yes but with the primary predicate of peaceful demonstration. Sadly, this is often not the case as those seeking fame and recognition will quickly run to microphones and stand before cameras spewing hatred and inciting violence with their poorly thought out rhetoric. In the heat of the moment, passions run high when restraint should be primary goal of all.
So why do we see the ever increasing need to destroy private property and commit arson? This is happening not only in situations such as in the Floyd case but also on college and university campuses across America at the drop of the hat. All too quickly, situations involving leftists devolve into violence, arson, and destruction. All such actions originate from a basic level of disrespect for authority, other persons, and even America over all. Such is the case when a conservative seeks to present a conservative viewpoint to students on college or university campuses and are literally forced to flew the ensuing violence which erupts.
Then, there are the organized institutions which will fan the flames of violence and help to fuel the violence. We have seen it all before in various situations across America. Groups such as Occupy, Antifa, DSA, and so forth are typically at the very heart of the problem and serve to promote, organize, and attend the demonstrations. They never miss an opportunity to call for divisiveness amongst the races, or political groups, or any situation which can be twisted to justify using violence and force.
Most disturbing is the desire on the part of the media to fan the flames of hatred with little to no evidence or facts. The media immediately fan the flames with talking points promoting the leftist agenda and pointing the blame at anyone and everyone except the perpetrators or guilty parties. With no evidence to back up their claims, the blame is ridiculously pointed at groups with no provable involvement whatsoever to begin with. We hear that the blame lies with republicans or the Trump Administration which is simply nonsensical on its face. But, that never stops the talking heads from parroting talking point approved in the echo chamber to the mindless lemmings on the left. How quickly and eagerly factions of society devolve into violent, radical mobs leaving behind a path of destruction and sometimes even death.
Times like these should call for unity and solidarity but this seems impossible in light of current societal trends and divisions amongst the left and right. Honest inquiries to determine the truth and discover the facts should be primary concern. Allowing the legal system to properly investigate and act upon the findings is what normally takes place. Could or should there be peaceful demonstrations, of course if warranted. Love and understanding to bring about unity and solidarity are far more powerful and have been historically throughout history while violence, destruction, seldom produce meaningful results. In situations involving violence and rioting, order must be reestablished as quickly as possible and the consequences of this is sometimes unpleasant although necessary. Anarchy can never be allowed to prevail no matter what the situation.
The situation surrounding the death of Mr. Floyd can never be tolerated and should never happen again. Neither can we tolerate the orchestrated attempts to divide us further by the media, left, or anyone else. Is reform required in some situations, absolutely and we should not only seek reform but should demand that it happen in proper circumstances and situations. We have witnessed the power of peaceful demonstrations and the results are powerful and go further to promote a cause than wanton destruction and violence ever will. Never be part of the problem but rather part of the solution to the problem. Basic civility and peace will always do more to further a cause and overcome injustice than violence ever could. Stop the violence now!