lib·​er·​ty | \ ˈli-bər-tē  \plural liberties
Definition of liberty
1: the quality or state of being free: a: the power to do as one pleases b: freedom from physical restraint c: freedom from arbitrary or despotic (see DESPOT sense 1) control d: the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privilegese: the power of choice
2a: a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : PRIVILEGEb: permission especially to go freely within specified limits was given the liberty of the house3: an action going beyond normal limits: such as a: a breach of etiquette or propriety : FAMILIARITYtook undue liberties with a stranger b: RISK, CHANCEtook foolish liberties with his health c: a violation of rules or a deviation from standard practice took liberties in the way he played the game d: a distortion of fact The movie takes many liberties with the actual events.
This topic can be very confusing, especially for those who seldom give any thought or consideration to what “Rights & Liberties” truly are. Let’s discuss this further and consider the relevance and importance of rights and liberties. Are there differences? What do they mean to daily life? Can we lose them? For the purposes of this post, explanation will be more cursory although this topic is well worth much more study and research. With ever increasing threats to our rights and liberties, everyone should hold on to their rights and liberties guarding them with all power possible. Once lost, I fear that these concepts could forever disappear.
To begin, let’s consider liberties and what they are and how they affect our lives. We are born with certain rights and liberties. If you are born in America, you are born free at birth. Pursuing the highest possible education level is a privilege but can also be considered a liberty as it is neither mandatory nor guaranteed. The pursuit of higher education is left up to the individual based on many factors such as financial concerns, need, and intellect. Unless one is convicted of a crime and imprisoned, your freedom is ensured. We also enjoy the freedom and liberties of travel at will. Traveling can have restrictions and barriers imposed creating hardships as dictated by society and governments. Basically though, we are born with certain freedoms and liberties even though entities can impose restrictions and regulations restricting the exercise of freedom and liberties.
What about “Rights”? Americans have certain rights guaranteed by the “US Bill Of Rights” as mandated by our Founders who created the greatest document in American history or the Constitution. Our children must return to a solid and in depth education of American Founding Documents and the importance of these documents. Far too often today, and with ever increasing threats, our rights are being diminished. For example, the first right is freedom of speech. Just look to pretty much any college or university campus in the US and it is plainly obvious that “Free Speech” is under assault. When those who would dare present ideas and philosophies which go against the accepted mandate of the Left, near riots become the norm to shut down the rights of such people as Conservatives who would dare present views which go against the approved views of the Left.
Consider the second amendment, the right to own and bear arms. Americans have seen every manner of assault possible on this one. Today, there are far too many who subscribe to the belief that no one should be allowed to own or have firearms for any reason and would gladly see us stripped of our rights to do so at every turn. Taking a peek back in history clearly shows how this turns out for such countries as German with the rise of Hitler, China and Mao, or Russia and Lenin. Millions who were completely unable to defend themselves as they had willingly surrendered their firearms to the respected governments becoming incapable of defending their God given ability to defend their very lives. Revisionist history quickly omits such details or completely glosses over such historical facts with grotesque mischaracterizations or outright lies under the guise of what is best for the “Good Of The People”. In nearly every case where this was to become possible, the people first had to be disarmed completely.
Today, the Pandemic caused by the SARS type virus, COVID19 has given rise to the ability of government, particularly the Governors of certain states to infringe and diminish the rights and liberties of everyone. There have been total lockdowns, “Stay At Home” orders, and a near total cessation of industry and the free market. And yes, there are many on the left who despise the free market and capitalism and are rejoicing at the damage which is being imposed on the US Economy overall. Why would they cheer such a thing on you might ask? Quite simply put, because anything that hurts President Trump, republicans, and might possibly help them in some way is desired. You mean that they would rather get or keep power than see what is best for our country overall? The answer is a resounding Yes! Much more discussion of this will come later on.
Today we are witness to what happens when elected officials become drunk on power and the ability to restrain the citizens in their respective areas. Interestingly, this seems to be much more true and prevalent in states under the control of democrats and the left leaning elites. The ability to wield enormous power and impose crushing restrictions on individuals is gleefully embraced by the petty Tyrants seeking to control and command anyone and everyone possible. Once such power is experienced, reversing the draconian restrictions and infringements upon people will not be quickly overturned. Consider how they constantly change their position with regard to why such restrictions must be imposed to begin with. In some cases with regard to COVID19, the reason went from the idea of “Flattening The Curve” to what is now being stated as “Having A Vaccine” to be able to return to any semblance of normalcy. The result is being seen in the form of civil disobedience which appears to be on the rise all across the country with demonstrations being seen in many states.
People must jealously guard every right and liberty and hold them close, once they are gone, they may never return. This topic must be given serious thought and consideration as we must all evaluate our individual beliefs regarding our rights and liberties before they vanish altogether. If you don’t understand the idea of inalienable rights as described by our Founders, it is time that you do the research and gain a complete understanding of this concept. Embrace your rights and liberties and refuse to sacrifice them for any temporary comfort. These ideas are part of the very foundation of our country and should we lose them, I fear they would be gone forever. We must resist anyone who would take our rights and liberties for any reason, period. Rights must be defended with all of our ability and we must resist restriction or loss of them at all costs.