


 hyp·​o·​crite | \ ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit  \

Definition of hypocrite

1: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

2: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

As you can see by the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary definition above that a hypocrite can basically be described as a liar. False appearance such as what we witness daily from the “Media” with regard to anything that does not glorify the “Left” or the agenda of the left. Take for example the recent allegations of sexual misconduct against Joe Biden. Although it is not the first allegation against Biden, the reaction from the left is predictable to say the least. Unlike the nomination and subsequent confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in which we were expected to seriously consider high school year books as evidence of fabricated wrong doing. The star witness against Kavanaugh was a woman who appeared to be as clueless as she actually was. Ms. Ford could not say with any degree of certainty whether or not anything had actually happened, much less who the supposed offender was. Ford was completely unbelievable and lacked credibility in every way. Even with Hollywood rallying to the cause, coupled with the feigned outrage from the media, Kavanaugh was confirmed.

Even in light of credible complaints and accusations against Biden, the media is largely silent as are all of the Hollywood heavy weights who so willingly trotted out to express outrage against Kavanaugh. The differences between the situations involving Brett Kavanaugh and Joe Biden are dramatic and yet we are expected to move along, nothing to see here. Even the #metoo movement which sprang to prominence to support the resistance movement against Brett Kavanaugh is nowhere to be seen and certainly not heard from.

The so called mainstream media has become a pale shadow of what it is even supposed to be, now nothing short of a political attack dog for the left. If you expect to see unbiased journalistic integrity from the media of today, you will be sorely disappointed. Today, the media will throw anything against the wall to see what will stick and hope for the best outcome. Never before have we witnessed so many “Anonymous” sourced stories presented as credible and factual despite knowing the opposite is likely true. Today’s media has been politicized and weaponized like never before and is nothing short of an echo chamber for the left. Talking points are polled and dispatched to the talking heads to regurgitate ad nauseam for mind numbing news cycles. It would be absolutely laughable were it not so dangerous. Today, free thought and an unbiased examination of empirical facts is completely discouraged as pundits carefully craft and fabricate narratives that suit their purpose and further the agenda of the left. What is presented as news is nothing short of pure propaganda.

If you do not challenge what is presented and research and carefully examine and question things today, you will be willfully misinformed and misled. Never before in our history has there been a bigger need for truth, fact, and integrity which can not be found in today’s news industry. Because the major corporations which own and control the media outlets are all far left leaning the final product is certainly going to suit their agenda. Now the greatest bully pulpit in the world is used to beat and batter any who dare question their narrative into total submission if not total destruction. This will not bode well moving forward and must not be tolerated by any who claim to be free thinking or who seek the truth and not some crafted narrative.

Unfortunately, there are far too many who will unquestioningly accept anything that is presented to them. Unwilling or incapable of thinking for themselves, they will blindly rely on what is presented to them daily by the talking heads in the media. These are the willfully ignorant who are simply too lazy to seek the truth for themselves but will eagerly accept the fantasy and fiction that they are fed a steady diet of.

Obviously, there is no shame or honor or integrity remaining on the left and hypocrisy is widely accepted if not embraced. No longer purveyors of truth, today the apathetic are simply told what to think and presented with agendized tripe. There must be a reckoning and change of direction if America is to survive. If nothing else, start thinking for yourself and examine other sources of “News”. You are being lied to daily and shamefully by dishonest people who fully believe that the ends justify the means and will not hesitate to do anything to achieve their desired ends. This will not end well for America.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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