If the agenda is to remove God from everything then the logical conclusion is that one is against or anti God. The agenda of stifling or removing God from anything and everything possible appears to be gaining momentum, especially over the past few decades in America. Sure, we have witnessed an all out assault on Christianity in Muslim countries forever and that is to be expected. Islam certainly is not going to embrace or even tolerate Christianity. What exists in the absence of Christianity then?
An old tale from native American lore speaks of the fact that each of us harbors two Wolves who are constantly and perpetually at war with each other. So which one wins? The answer is stated to be the one which you feed. Ok, so then humans basically have a never ending battle raging inside of us at all times which can be stated in the simplest form as good verses evil. So which one wins? As before, the answer would remain the same which is to say, the one which you feed.
If the goal and agenda of secular society is to remove God from the public venue at all costs, the question them becomes why? Why must God be removed or at the very least diminished in the public venue? Let’s consider what God represents to those who embrace the Bible. Christians believe in God first and foremost. The Bible is embraced as the Word of God and lays out a core belief system including the Ten Commandments. Principles include not lying, not murdering, and not committing adultery are part of the Ten Commandments which we are instructed to embrace and live by. Love is a central theme as is not harming one another and loving everyone. Living a life as free of sin as possible is the goal and seeking to be as much like Jesus as possible.
What of the absence of God in ones life? What is it that we embrace, human secularism instead? How does human secularism look when applied to society? What is there in the absence of Christian values and principles? A prime example could be Abortion. The Planned Parenthood website touts an unbelievable figure of 345,672 babies killed in 2019. What about the advancement of alternative lifestyles which was formerly referred to as the “Gay Agenda” but has expanded and grown to include anything outside of male and female. The entertainment industry now feeds society a non stop diet of not only sexual situations involving men and women but alternative sexual situations seem to be in just about anything you turn to.
Another foundational principle for Christians is to tell the truth or not to lie. How does that work in a secular society? Well, turn on the news at any point and instead of being given a situation involving the presentation of facts as they occurred along with presenting evidence to support the facts, we are now given editorialized and fabricated narratives carefully crafted to fit the narrative and further the approved agenda. Truth has become subjective and we are even to believe that there are factions of truth or your truth might differ from what I embrace as my truth. Sure, this is whacky and profoundly dumb and yet it is the prevalent theme of society today. We are to believe that truth is subjective and malleable depending on circumstance or the agenda.
The truth of the matter is quite simply that life is just black and white, positive and negative, or if you will, good verses evil. Trying to view absolutes through different lenses or abstract theorem is ridiculous. Simply stated, good is good and evil is evil. If you are in doubt as to which is which, blame society, your education, and your sources from which you seek answers. We can turn to secular society for truth but will be hard pressed to find much of it. Or, you can embrace God and the ultimate source of truth which is the Bible. We can embrace the core principles taught in the Bible which has guided and directed mankind for over two thousand years. America was founded by men and women who fully embraced God and the Bible and built the greatest nation on earth. Just like the Garden Of Eden, evil will creep in and corrupt and destroy anything that it possibly can. So why would you embrace evil in any way? Should we not make every effort to avoid anything that is not good then? The truth lies in the heart of Man and what is tolerated. If we are not serving God, then who or what?