What kind of education are American kids getting today? What are they being taught and what effect will it have on society moving forward? If we consider how the agenda of the public education system has been hijacked and is now dictated by the far left, it is pretty frightening. Oh sure, if you research or do a search for American Education standards you will see lists of lofty sounding goals such as affording every student the greatest opportunity to succeed, etc. But what is really happening today?
America was once the leader in education worldwide but has dropped precipitously since once reigning as number one in the world. Why, how, when, what happened to bring out this unsettling change? Shouldn’t our children receive only the best education possible to prepare them for a brighter future?
The primary factor could be said to be the agenda behind what is taking place in society at large. As society moves towards looser standards regarding permissiveness and what is or is not tolerated with regard to such factors as sex, the results are reflected in the education system. As society has become increasingly tolerant of what was once the greatest taboo in life is now openly flaunted in every area of public consumption. Television began pushing the limits of what was or was not tolerated with regard to language many years ago. The result today is profanity and coarse language being the norm in every time slot on the public airwaves. The acceptance of such things as the “Gay Agenda” has prompted dramatic, widespread changes, not only in how society views alternative lifestyles but has been a driving force in changing the entertainment industry at large. Now, you are hard pressed to find programming that does not involve the promotion of alternative lifestyles in one form or another.
The same can be said of sex over all. Whether the promotion of the agenda of normalizing alternative lifestyles takes the form of such things as having Transvestites reading hour in public libraries or schools to teaching kindergarten children how to put condoms on cucumbers. The agenda first appeared in the form of books promoting the alternative lifestyle such as presenting the idea of two mommies, or daddy’s roommate, etc. Today, kids are pressured into the acceptance of alternative lifestyles more and more. The push today is to move away from biological absolutes of two genders to accept that there are supposedly many genders and other such psychological dribble. It is all dangerous and wrong, period.
But also has the decline involved what I believe to be an intentional “Dumbing Down” which is evidenced in the adoption of curriculums over the years. Today’s practice seems to be to simply move a student forward at all costs. Academic achievement no longer is the primary concern when the agenda leans more towards indoctrination than education. Proof of this is the abject failure called “Common Core Math” which was implemented but failed miserably. So too has been the inclusion of social justice items in the education system. Participation trophies and other such idiotic attempts to be inclusive at all costs have been horrible. Not teaching children to strive for lofty goals and to become the best that they possibly can has produced classes of children incapable of even reading their High School Diplomas because they were simply pushed through the system.
The quality level of textbooks has eroded and lowered in frightening ways too. The education standard has steadily crept down, lowering the levels of achievement dramatically. Today, high school seniors are learning from textbooks that can barely be considered to be at an eighth grade level. Now think about that for a minute when you consider that these kids are to become the future doctors, lawyers, scientists, and leaders and it is chilling. How will this play out for future generations as we age and have to be cared for by less qualified individuals?
Topics such as Civics have been removed and revisionist history are the norm today. When leftists educators don’t like actual history, they simply rewrite it to be more palatable and serve their purposes better. This has been taking place for far too long. What about such things as critical thinking, civil debate, or even journalism today? Nothing has escaped the dumbing down, filtration, and revamping into a more politically correct ghost of its former glory. One has only to look towards College and University Campuses today to see the absolute, iron fisted, jack booted control of such things as speech. Free speech is sadly replaced by politically correct group speak and group think. Promoting properly educated, free thinking, self reliant people is no longer tolerated as everyone must bow to the indoctrination of leftists elites who want only mind numbed lemmings and social justice warriors who are incapable of free thinking, questioning their authority, or challenging their dictates in any way. Just turn on what is supposed to be an unbiased presentation of facts, truth, and relevant current events in the mainstream media and you will see nothing more than a choreographed, unified, presentation of politically correct talking points and agenda driven commentary.
The left has had control of the Education system in the US since they began to gain control of it in the 1960’s. Sadly, today we are seeing the horrifying results in the most abjectly intolerant way. Everything is to be viewed through the prism of the unattainable goal of “Fairness”. The result has been anything but fair but only to anyone who dare challenge them on any aspect. Simply look at what takes place on college and university campuses when conservatives attempt to speak in an educational manner to expose these young minds to alternate view points and philosophies. Most often, conservatives are shut down in ways up to and including rioting. This can not be accepted any longer. The cost of education has not declined in any way and yet we tolerate having our children fed a steady diet of leftist garbage from kindergarten through college. It is way beyond time that parents and grand parents push back and demand reform. We absolutely can not afford to allow the left to brainwash our children any longer. Start today by becoming keenly aware of what your child is exposed to in the education system.