The Great Political Divide …

Political division is nothing new in this country or for that matter, the world. We see evidence throughout history of differences of opinion causing division where groups of people are in close proximity. Let’s imagine prehistoric life where humans start living in groups. Ok, so one group of humans decides that they like eating plants and fruits while the other group loves meat. As time goes by this group divides over dietary preferences. Perhaps the plant eaters decided to move on and form their own village or start their own cave community. Maybe the meat eaters took off in search of more meat availability and just left the vegetarians behind, who knows? The point is simply this, people are going to disagree and have as long as their have been people.

Even the very first humans disagreed. Adam was content following the rules and going about life in the garden of Eden until evil crept in and influenced Eve to break the rules and eat of the forbidden fruit. Well, this certainly caused division not only between Adam and Eve but between “Man” and “God”. The end result of course was man’s expulsion from the Paradise of communing freely with God in the Garden. The lesson is that actions have consequences, no matter what and some are dire and life altering.

Differences in beliefs brought about the US Civil War. This was a particularly bloody and deadly exercise which even caused division amongst family members such as brother verses brother and so on. In the extreme, brothers might be pitted against one another even on the battlefield over the differences of beliefs. This tragedy ripped our country apart and nearly destroyed any hope of ever seeing unity.

Today, we are witnessing divineness at levels not seen before for decades or generations. How are we divided today? The rise of political correctness has been a particularly divisive tool utilized by communists starting in the 1930’s. Progressives believe themselves to be in possession of the new realities that all of mankind is in need of. The new realities are in direct conflict with natural laws and limits and must be forcefully imposed via thought. Thought conformity must be forced on people to insure conformity. The toll that political correctness is and has taken on our culture will not fully be realized yet.

Progressives have full control of some of the most powerful sectors of our society and will seemingly resort to any length to maintain their grip on power and control of institutions such as Education, Entertainment, and the Media. Progressives have not been shy about wielding this frighteningly powerful tool and have literally weaponized them for their agenda. Education for instance has moved from pure education of history, science, and math to one of favoring the indoctrination and dumbing down. History is presented in a revisionist manner to gloss over facts and evidence which is unfavorable to progressives. Civics has been replaced with more social justice themed education and the furtherance of such agendas as the normalization of the gay lifestyle.

Progressives control Hollywood and therefore have an opportunity to build the entertainment industry around the social justice issue favorable to the left. The opportunity for the use of propaganda and weaponized agenda driven, political correctness, has never been better. Even children’s entertainment is delving into social justice issues and presenting the gay agenda to increasingly younger audiences.

Knowing that the mainstream media was full of bias has been a not so secret fact for many years but all pretense simply vanished when President Trump announced his intentions to seek the presidency. What is supposed to be news is now nothing more than opinionated, fabricated, collusion promoting the agenda of the Left. Truth has even become subjective and dependent upon the political desires of those who create and present it. You have only to flip the channel to discover that nearly all of the media personalities are presenting nearly identical stories featuring the same talking points and buzz words agreed upon by the powers at large for each news cycle.

Now, progressives fan the flames of division along political, gender, racial, economic, and political lines all in the name of a mythical fabrication called societal fairness. Surely reasonable humans have been seeking “fairness” throughout history and have tried to impose it as long as man has recorded history. In looking back through the history of man, how many successful examples can be cited? I can certainly not name even one. We have as much likelihood of capturing a magical, talking Unicorn as realizing societal fairness. There are always going to be differences among people as no two people are exactly alike. This is especially true of humans who are still capable of free thinking. Those who have not battered in to mindless and blind obedience to the controlling elite present and pose a danger to the main weapons of progressives which is group think and group speak. As mentioned before, forcing people to think only along lines which are approved is mandatory for political correctness to work at all.

Today, America is virtually divided almost in its entirety with all factors lumped into a catch all called politics. America has two main parties with dramatically different belief systems. Our country is now divided along political lines like never before and it is increasing nearly daily. Even during the worst pandemic in recent memory in the form of the COVID19 virus. Our economy has come to a nearly complete halt as we are forced into lock downs and cessation of all unnecessary function. I don’t have to attempt to explain the effects that COVID has had on our country as we are all painfully aware of the effect that this is taking on our lives. Taking advantage of this crisis is a particularly despicable and contemptible situation and yet, progressives will simply not let a crisis go to waste as they seek to further the most radical agenda imaginable. The most recent example is the more than 3 Trillion dollar stimulus package proposed by the democrats. This package includes virtually every conceivable far left agenda item possible. What is most necessary is economic relief for those families and businesses which are hardest hit by lock downs and business cessation but progressives are focussed on the farthest left agenda imaginable and far less concerned with the well being of average Americans who are just trying to survive. Progressive priorities are on everything other than our well being. Progressives are much more concerned with taking care of those who are in our country illegally, abortion, the green new deal, and the destruction of capitalism for example. To say that these priorities are dangerous and pose a direct threat to our Constitution is a gross understatement.

The old phrase, “United we stand, divided we fall.”, actually dates back to Aesop and his fables in the 6th century and yet it has been proven true unendingly. We have realized that we can better control smaller groups of people than larger, united groups. Therefore, if you can divide a large, unified group into smaller groups of divided people, then you can control them much easier. Progressives fan the flames of division as much as possible.The media has become their primary weapon for battering us into submission along every conceivable line.

Political correctness must not be tolerated and we must strive to unify along any and every possible theme. Divisiveness is an evil entity wielded for nefarious goals. Forcing vast segments of our society into dependence on government for their very existence is the end goal. While the elites in politics enrich themselves on our tax dollars, many becoming multi millionaires, those of us in flyover country, especially those dependent on government subsidies for their daily existence grow ever poorer and more dependent. Progressives don’t seek to shrink government back into its Constitutional limitations but want to explode it, especially when they are in control of most of government.

Hopefully, this will serve to be a wake up call for the apathetic to start more closely examining the actions of our political elites. Question more and seek the truth. Don’t blindly accept talking points wrapped in pretty, although agenda driven packages, presented by over paid, talking heads in the media. We are being deceived, indoctrinated, and lied to by all of them. Seek the truth while we still can.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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