Never before have we witnessed a sharper distinction between the belief systems of our two political parties. Lets call it liberalism verses conservatism for the sake of brevity. The Pandemic that humans are currently doing battle with has a cost not only in human life and inaccurate death tolls, flawed models, and excessive abuses of power but also on what is to become our immediate future.
Americans have experienced life altering changes because of the COVID19 Pandemic. This has resulted in federal and state governments exercising staggering power over the lives of all of us. Orders resulting in the literal shut down and lock down of business is ongoing as are orders from state Governors mandating “Stay At Home” orders. Under the Medical Emergency situation, we have experienced an incredible loss of freedoms, some of which could become permanent.
For this discussion, we will examine a single aspect of this situation. There has already been an emergency relief bill of over $1 Trillion dollars designed to give us some relief from the loss of income which so many are currently contending with because of lock down orders. Only businesses deemed as being necessary or “Essential” have been allowed to continue operation but even that is with restrictions. Social distancing guidelines have been implemented resulting in dramatically reduced capacity for people being inside a business and also within 6 feet proximity of each other.
No one is arguing that the so called “Stimulus Checks” which so many of us received have helped with the cost of daily life. Although the ability to go and work has come to a virtual halt, bills have certainly not. If anything, for some, the cost of living has dramatically increased for many reasons. Food production is reduced which results in less food for consumers and as production is reduced, the demand for food is increasing which means higher prices for food. This will be the case across the board and soon. How do we pay for all of this?
Democrats have adapted a mindset of taking every possible advantage of this crisis and have attempted to add every conceivable manner of far left policy being tucked into relief bills which are proposed. In other words, the democrats hold relief for America hostage to the passage of their pet political pork projects. The last one included funding for such necessary things as something to the tune of millions of dollars being given to the arts which resulted in layoffs, but also a multi million dollar donation to the democrat party. This is unconscionable but is nothing compared to what they are about to propose next. As the crisis moves into the third month and beyond, a relief bill in excess of 3Trillion dollars is being proposed with every far left wish list item imaginable included. Democrats want to fund such things as abortions, green new deal, and so forth and so on. It is so typical of the party which seems far more focused on giving benefits to those who are in America illegally than in taking care of Americans. Everything and I do mean everything is for political gain, period. Believing that the majority of illegals will vote democrat drives the desire to pander to them at the cost to American citizens.
So my question is quite simply this, while these stimulus checks are helpful, who pays for them? What will the cost be to us moving forward? What will happen when the bill comes due? How will it impact our freedoms? To think that we can simply print as much money as we want is ridiculous. The money that is printed and put into the American economy must be backed by something like gold. That being said, we left the gold standard many years ago. So what will the cost be in the immediate to near future for American citizens?
For democrats and liberals, the answer is taxation. Of course the only ones who can be taxed are those who are gainfully employed and are even capable of paying their share of the tax burden. Basically, we have a frightening amount of people who are not employed for many reasons and literally dependent on government subsidies for their very existence. This situation creates tax serfs who must rely on democrats to dictate how much they will have for food, housing, medical care, etc. Capitalism, freedom, and everything else must be sacrificed for this type of system to even work. Out of control spending of our tax dollars creates unsustainable economic situations that we will all have to answer for soon. The policy of kicking the can down the street further and further for future generations to have to deal with is no longer possible. We have run out of street to kick the can further down and the can has bounced back and hit us in the face. In short, the bills are coming due and no clear plan of how to pay for them.
While Americans become poorer, those in power become wealthier. Are they suffering like the rest of us who have to struggle for our very survival as a result of the policies that they impose upon us? No, they simply exempt themselves and although we are not allowed to work or earn a living, our tax dollars continue to line their pockets despite them deeming themselves unable to work as evidenced by Congress refusing to be in session in the name of Coronavirus.
At the very least, this should be a time of serious reflection and self examination. A reassessment of our core principles and guiding principles is certainly in order. What will our future look like and who will determine our future? We must move cautiously and with great care as we entrust our very existence in the hands of who exactly? Beware! The cost could be staggering and the loss of freedoms unimaginable.