How much truth can we expect from what is loosely deemed the “Mainstream Media”? First, we must realize that there are basically six major corporations which own the media. What is the problem with that one might ask? The problem is that the people who own or run the basic six corporations which control the media companies can easily impose their personal political agendas.
While imposing an agenda on an unsuspecting populace is certainly not a new concept, it has been utilized for decades and generations via a delivery method called propaganda. The America father of propaganda is a man by the name of Edward Bernays. Even the Nazi’s would incorporate propaganda tactics learned from Bernays. Bernays realized that controlling the thought processes of the masses could in fact, control behavior. A prime example was the propaganda campaign portraying smoking as cool, hip, and the popular thing to do. Much later would we learn how hazardous to our health smoking actually is but not before numerous generations around the world would become slaves to smoking.
Journalism has dramatically decreased in its honesty, especially during the current Trump Administration. From the moment that Donald J. Trump became a serious contender for the Presidency of the United States the media began a smear campaign against not only Trump but also any who dared to even consider supporting much less voting for Trump. The rancor and vitriol levels have far surpassed what could be considered acceptable for civil discourse in any way. The amount of divineness and hatred that is generated on a daily basis is stunning and staggering as our nation becomes ever more divided along sex, race, and political basis. This is certainly not good for this country.
Currently, it appears that fabricating, anonymous sources, and outright lies are perfectly acceptable as long as it furthers the agenda and the ends justify the means. When falsehoods, lies, and fabrications are exposed, we seldom see as much as the most superficial walking it back. The offending party is usually more disturbed at having been caught and exposed than being truly reticent for the offense committed. The rule of thumb appears to be anything that will hurt or damage Trump, republicans, or conservatives in any way is perfectly acceptable. Subterfuge, dissection, and outright lies are utilized completely in the open now.
When will it change? As the majority of the owners of the companies controlling the media lean to the left or far left, the only perceptible change will come when a leftist approved Administration is once again in power. As long as the agenda of the far left is being pushed, the media will become completely deaf with regard to wrong doing by anyone in their party. It is disgusting and sad that this has been allowed to take place in this country and must be changed if America is to survive as a Representative Republic. You must wake up, see what is happening, and push back in every way possible.