So hear is a great question for you to ponder. How often when a demonstrably incorrect story, situation, or event is reported by a politician, or media do you ever hear a sincere, heartfelt apology and then see a retraction or correction? Sadly, this is very true of one party in this country who only seem to be sorry or upset when they are caught but not really for the offense that they committed. This has become the norm not the exception and must not be allowed to continue.
So to is creating fiction, fantasy, and stories out of thin air as the media does nearly daily but only if it is damaging to Trump or republicans, or conservatives. This of course is simply not true for dems, liberals, or the media who get a complete pass and the silence is deafening. Of course it is a double standard and a level of hypocrisy never before to even be imagined. That being said, you have to remember that liberals and media have adopted the “Ends Justify The Means” approach to life which they only apply to anyone other than themselves. When they are the subject even of scrutiny the howls, whining, and feigned outrage are ridiculous and the liberals in the media jump to their defense, no matter what.
Isn’t it beyond time that our elected officials, lawmakers, and courts live by the same standard that they devise and impose upon us, even forcefully? The old adage of “Don’t Do As I Do, Do As I Say” can not be allowed to continue. How quickly they forget the little people who they are only concerned about during an election cycle. Aside from an election, you are considered too stupid to bother with and are simply just ignored. During an elections cycle however, you will hear every conceivable manner or promise, commitment, and they will will more accurately resemble a weather vane, blowing in the wind, than someone who has character and is devoted to actually serving the people who put them in office.
Don’t you think it is beyond time to hold them accountable?