What does blind, deaf, and dumb allegiance to a party, an ideal, or politics look like? The above image, although from World War II era gives a pretty clear visual. Duped into to faithfully following and executing orders from on high, regardless of the consequences, regardless of the truth, and with no regard for human life. Blind obedience resulting from fear has resulted in unbelievable death tolls and loss of life. Under Hitler, nearly six million Jewish lives lost. Under Stalin, 5-7 million lives lost. Under Mao Tse Tung, about 45 million in 4 years.
So why would people allow such atrocities to take place? That question is something to be pondered for many years to come but the nutshell synopsis is this. Disarming the people making it virtually impossible to resist tyranny, a failed or failing economic system, and hunger. Under tyrannical regimes such as the aforementioned, only those obedient to the regime were armed. That should make every American seriously reconsider their support for our Bill Of Rights, and particularly the second Amendment.
The rise to power is accomplished by lying better than anyone else or sounding sincere. Basically, you can put an empty suit, as long as it is a master orator, put a pretty face on it and boom, you can rise to power. Promises that drip from their lips effortlessly, sound like honey in the ears, and give hope to having full bellies make for the success of any petty tyrant. We have even seen this happen in America, just look back to the last Administration (Barack Obama) which was long on promises but very short on delivery. Obamacare is a prime example of complete, abject failure, after taking over one sixth of the US economy which is the Medical Field represents. Oh sure, anything and everything socialized sounds good but can never be delivered upon. The end result of socialism is failure, communism or worse, and serious damage to the region it is applied too. Why in the world would reasonable, intellectually honest, well informed people allow it to happen?
For the past few decades, political correctness has been used to bludgeon the masses into obedience. One party control of the media, education system, and social media have controlled the narrative in such a way that would make any Tyrant proud. The level of education in America continues it’s decline producing indoctrinated, narrative driven lemmings who will blindly react to the media presenting the approved narrative. Add into the mix a heavy dose of apathy produced by laziness and an unwillingness to seek out the truth from numerous sources and you end up with an army of little mind numbed, robots, subject to the marching orders delivered by the constant droning of the approved agenda items from the media.
Unfazed by incredible levels of hypocrisy such as what transpired with the Justice Kavanaugh hearings and the current credible allegations against Joe Biden, the hypocrisy is stunning. We were to believe all women, regardless of empirical evidence, fact, or truth simply because it would accomplish the desired effect of potentially damaging, if not stopping Brett Kavanaugh from being affirmed to the Supreme Court. Unable to fabricate enough compelling facts to sway even public opinion enough, the effort failed miserably. Today, we are told to move along, nothing to see here, and we must question women who bring charges against one party. Blindly following a political party simply because of the party allegiance is an extremely dangerous precedent. As one looks back on history and the tyrannical regimes that we have endured, the results are always the same, a miserable end in failure!
Wake up and start questioning what is presented to you as fact. Find out what your party truly stands for and only support those with proven track records of representing the people who elected them. All to often, constituents are forgotten and become little more than a nuisance once a politician takes office, especially for one of our two US parties. This must stop, politics was never meant to be a lifelong career in which a politician amasses untold wealth, power, and longevity in office. Perhaps it is time to reexamine our entire political system and those who are in control of each party? The very survival of our country may be at stake. With that in mind, shouldn’t you take a little time, and invest a little energy into once again holding our elected officials feet to the fire and demanding the truth from those who are entrusted to report in the media?