
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word, hypocrisy as such.

Definition of hypocrisy

plural hypocrisies

1:a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not :behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel

  • His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters.

         ; especially :the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

  • our conventional morality often serves as a cover for hypocrisy and selfishness
  • —Lucius Garvin
2:an act or instance of hypocrisy

  • a keen awareness of one’s parents’ hypocrisies
It does not take a genius to see how this applies completely to the “Left”. The “Left” being the catch all phrase to include liberals or what they are calling themselves today, progressives, to socialists, communist, marxists, and any other applicable area. Although the first to decry abuses of and need for “Free Speech” for example, the Left is the most intolerant of anything that does not totally agree with their agenda.
The election of President Donald J. Trump has brought into crystal clarity everything associated with the word “Hypocrisy” in every conceivable way. The so called mainstream media no longer even attempts to put forth a semblance of truth and instead will even fabricate news to fit their agenda. Statistics to date show that more than 91% of media coverage of President Trump is in fact negative. Calling the MSM coverage of the Trump Administration negative is a gross understatement. This fact alone is despicable and defies every reason that the MSM was even created. In point of fact, the MSM has simply become the attack arm of the democrat party and the left.
In years past the media has been able to successfully cow those who dare disagree with them by submitting the offender to intense scrutiny and basically trying and convicting them in the press much like a shark attack. Once blood was smelled in the water the sharks would begin swarming and attacking until there was virtually nothing left of the prey. Opponents of the left or the “Right” were successfully beaten into submission or silence if nothing else by having their lives shredded in the media. At the same time, those on the left, regardless of the infraction or crime are literally given a pass and nothing is every even mentioned. The prime and best example is what has taken place with Hillary Clinton and her extremely lengthy list of what if committed by anyone else would have resulted in immediate incarceration. But, because of the political stature of the Bill and Hillary Clinton brand, everything is quietly swept under the rug.
Even the head of the FBI had drafted exoneration letters for Hillary Clinton months before even questioning her with regard to her illegal use of a private email server. On the other hand though, the left screamed, hollered, and went apoplectic over the idea that Russia might have somehow colluded with or tried to help the Trump campaign take the victory from Hillary. With no evidence whatsoever, the left managed to have a so called, independent investigator who just happens to be a good friend of former FBI Director, James Comey assigned to the investigation.
Antifa is another shining example of “Hypocrisy”. In order to silence conservatives from even being able to speak on college campuses like Berkley, Antifa goes on rampages which result in everything from simple rioting, to physical assaults, burning of cars and businesses, and destructions of private property. Despite the ever growing instances of violence and chaos caused by Antifa, you never see anything referencing acts committed by leftists that aren’t staged or made up to suit the purpose and the agenda of the left. Straight out of the Cloward and Piven playbook for radicals where the end justify the means at all costs. Antifa and other fascists groups who are in fact the epitome of hate and violence are simply given a pass by the left and the MSM.
Why is this? Is this some new problem that has just begun in the last few decades? No, it goes back throughout the history of mankind altogether. Humans will simply not get along. When one looks back through history, how were the problem of disagreement handled? The Roman Empire came closer than any other for the most part in dealing reasonably and having intellectual disagreements and debates. But in the end, corruption destroyed that society completely as is so often the case.
Today it seems that the left feels that they have the right to dictate how we are all to live and that they decide what is right and wrong. The problem is this, who named the left the supreme arbiters of all things fair? Thus, hypocrisy is demonstrated in all things. Just like politicians who eagerly and quickly exempt themselves from policies and laws that govern the masses but that would not be good for the politicians. The Senate and Congress certainly do not have to rely on “Obamacare” for their medical, oh no, they have the best of the best. Or how politicians can get rich on the practice of “Insider Trading” while those of us in the masses go to prison for such dealings. Essentially, hypocrisy rules supreme in all things and is not likely to change while they continue to reap the rewards of such despite the rest of us suffering terribly.
Now we must live under the rule of political correctness, identity politics, racial politics, and sexual politics unless something is done to stop it. Hypocrisy driven by political correctness will continue to gain steam much like a locomotive train until it is nearly unstoppable. Wake up, educate yourselves, and start standing up and forcing change. At the very least, get on your knees and start praying hard for this country to survive.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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