It is beyond belief to see a story like this. http://Students support Violence.
So, this story is saying that one out of five students interviewed do not believe that the first Amendment does not protect what they consider to be “Hate Speech” which amounts to anything that disagrees with the far left agenda. The students feel that they can simply apply the label, “Facists” to those who disagree with them and then commit acts of violence against these so called Fascists. But, that begs to question who exactly it is that has the right to determine who is and who is not a Fascist? If one applies the logic that is being used here for this example, then what if people like me for example, who believe in things like God, country, and family, decide that those who are protesting everything are in fact the fascists? Why would it not be right for me to go to Berkley for example and start bashing the heads of protestors because I disagree with what they are protesting and I feel that they are in fact the fascists?
One of the biggest complaints that I have always had with “Liberals” and all of the ilk of the Left is that they seem to think that they are the ones who are entitled to make the decisions for everything that affects everyone. For example, they don’t like the 2nd Amendment, therefore everyone in the United States should bow and submit to any policy under the “Anti-gun faction” of this country. So, liberals feel that they can determine what is best for everyone else but they are quick to exempt themselves from the policies that they think the rest of us should have to live under. Still scratching my head on that one. Who exactly was it that gave the far left that right and power to begin with?
I recall a story from a few years back of a teenager who climbed over a fence and used the swimming pool of a neighbor or something but was shot and killed by the homeowner who turned out to be an extreme “Anti-gun” proponent and in fact owned a huge collection of firearms. The left certainly does not believe in the old adage that I grew up hearing which is, “What is good for the goose, is good for the gander”.
And who is to blame? Well, if you think back to around 1962 or so, the liberals succeeded in removing prayer from the public school system and basically gained control of the public Education system. Today, our kids are taught what is supposed to pass as a serious curriculum but actually teaches revisionist history blotting out anything that the left deems offensive such as the Civil War, and replacing troublesome things like that with shining examples of enlightenment such as White Privelege. This of course leads to what we are currently seeing on television which is attacks on statues and removal of offensive segments of history that is not liked by the far left.
Einstein famously stated that “Nature abhors a vacuum.” which leaves us with what rushes in to fill the vacuum of a Christian worldview, or a Patriot worldview, etc. if our children are no longer being taught about our Constitution and Bill Of Rights? There is always the example of “Common Core Math” which is absolutely beyond ridiculous and confusing and serves only to insure that our children are indoctrinated to march in lock step with the groupthink of the far left. College “Snowflakes” and safe zones for students traumatized by seeing the name, Trump written in chalk on a sidewalk will be the leaders of tomorrow who will be tasked with taking care of us as we age. That is frightening on every level and absolutely sends chills up my spine and should any other person still capable of free thinking.
Finally, do not think for a second that such violence will be limited to situations like we see at Berkley when a conservative dares go there to present an intellectual debate based on conservative ideology or the tearing down of Civil War statues. We have seen the basis during the “Occupy Movement” that the left embraced for being such brave demonstrations of free speech which consisted of thugs and paid protestors being bused in for the purpose of instigating violence against anyone who dared disagree with the left’s radical ideology. It is becoming more prevalent and dangerous with police and opposing protestors being injured or hospitalized at the hands of the Antifa protestors. Also the burning, looting, and destruction of businesses and property in whatever area the protestors choose along with literally trying to shut down traffic on roads and freeways which have resulted in people dying trying to reach the ER of local hospitals.
Be aware, educated, and prepared for violence from the left wherever it might rear it’s ugly head as I have no doubt what so ever that we will certainly be seeing lots and lots more of it until it is ended.