Jan. 20, 2017 was the day that Donal J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States. Obviously for all of those who voted for him this was a wonderful event. The flip side however has been anything but joyful and happy. Leftist clothing designers vowed to and refused to dress the new 1st Lady, Melania Trump, the election results were challenged in every way conceivable, attempts to change the minds of the Electoral College Electors with death threats were made, and finally, 89 democrats sat out and boycotted the inauguration proceedings. So called protestors were bussed in and paid to disrupt and riot by far left organizations associated with Billionaire George Soros resulting in trash fires, windows broken on businesses, police cars smashed, and even a limo being set on fire. Last but far from least, Pravda wing of the democrat party which is now the media, have been completely unhinged.
How will this all fare for our new President? I suspect that President Trump will endeavor to accomplish everything that he talked about during  his campaign. I also think that President Trump will be met with relentless attacks from democrats and the media who are more than capable and willing to use any and every tactic whether factual and truth based or not.
The United States of America is far more divided along every imaginable line than anytime in history except for the US Civil War. The Obama regime under the guise of fairness and social justice, went out of the way to promote an atmosphere of us vs. them with regard to politics, economics, gender, religion, and certainly race. Law enforcement has been demonized, vilified, and presented as the enemy fanning the fires of racism like never before. Rioting, looting, and destroying property has been deemed protest rather than rioting by an overly politicized Dept. of Justice more concerned with political correctness than actually enforcing the law.
After taking office in 2008, Obama was quick to point out to his opposition party that he had won the election and that if republicans wanted to change anything that they would have to go and win elections of their own. Certainly not the attitude of someone looking to work with the opposition or try to unify the country. Then there was also the comments of Valerie Jarrett who was the real power behind the empty suit that Obama is. A further look at Valerie Jarrett can be seen below.
FBI Files Show Valerie Jarrett’s Hardcore Communist Family
And then there is the media. To keep up with the democrat party, the media has had to turn hard left and become more and more radicalized. During the Obama regime it was common place to see every network spewing the talking points that were given them by the democrats or the White House. It was learned that during this last campaign cycle that it was not uncommon for the press to feed the democrat questions that would be brought up during debates, or that permission to rewrite or revise stories was given to Hillary Clinton or her cronies. Instead of presenting facts, truth, and events as they occurred, the media now decides what they think is relevant for us to see and then go about mischaracterizing, spinning, and twisting stories into propaganda that suits their agenda. During this past campaign cycle, we saw the rise of “Fake News” which the media began using to hurt or destroy Trump, the republicans, and anyone who disagrees with them or their far left agenda. The media would literally take stories that they knew were false but if it was useful for their purpose, would run with it and deal with the fallout after the fact. No longer is any thought or concern given to truthfulness, objectivity, or even attempting to be unbiased in any way. No longer constrained by the shackles of truth, objectivity, or being unbiased, the so called mainstream media has become nothing less than the attack dog for the democrat party presenting any propaganda that is useful to them or their political ilk while refusing to report the truth about their opponents and working to utterly destroy anyone who dares to think differently from them. Is it a stretch to see that the so called mainstream media has become nothing less than the propaganda machine of the left? Very much like the Russian state machine known as Pravda or similar to what Joseph Goebbels used during the rise of the Nazi party.
Joseph Goebbels
Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
Interestingly enough, Goebbels learned everything from the American father of propaganda:
Propaganda: “a message designed to persuade its intended audience to think and behave in a certain manner. Thus advertising is commercial propaganda. Or institutionalized and systematic spreading of information and/or disinformation, usually to promote a narrow political or religious (or commercial) viewpoint.†– from Business Dictionary
The last thing that I would expect would be for the “Media” to be fawning over President Trump. I doubt that Chris Matthews will have tingling up his leg anytime soon.