Why is Israel important? That is a broad topic that could require countless volumes of intellectual discourse to begin answering. To address this question much more simply and to keep from having to spend several years of college level research and Biblical study, I will utilize several forms of media to assist in answering why Israel is so important. Some quick facts to think about and remember would be that Israel is God’s chosen people and nation. Israel is also one of the United States staunchest allies. And, Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. All of these points are of incredible singular importance but let’s dig a little deeper and consider the facts and points addressed in this short Youtube.com video, The most important video about Israel that you will ever see. This video gives us a very clear explanation why Israel is so important.
Also, there is the SevenBiblicalResons written by Pastor John Hagee of Christians United For Israel. This article gives clear and concise Biblical reasons why Israel should be revered and honored instead of the opposite which we see happening today. The reasons listed in this article by Pastor Hagee are of fundamental and extreme importance as well as educational to those lacking anything other than cursory knowledge of Israel.
Far too often today we see demonstrations of nothing less than pure hatred for Jews. Not understanding the premise for such hatred caused a search for explanation that would make sense. One great explanation is presented by PragerU in this great little video, Born to hate Jews.
Similar to the PragerU video because my upbringing took place during the 1960’s on it was to my consternation to experience fear of Jews simply because they were different that what our culture of the time deemed acceptable. Choosing to go my own way rather than to simply follow blindly what the crowd was doing, my choice was not to participate in calling Jews ugly names or ostracizing them because of our differences. I chose to learn more about them and build on what we had in common instead of staying apart because of what we differed on.
As an adult, I have always been horrified by the way that Israel and its people are treated by the rest of the world and have always resorted to questioning the reason why this tiny little nation inhabited by a very small population in comparison to most other nations around the world, is so hated and despised. Understanding that Islam and Israel would not be very amenable to each other based on extreme religious differences is one thing but Israel is subjected to non stop terror attacks on an almost daily basis. The Jewish people are forced to live in a non stop and constant state of attack awareness every minute of every day. Imagine simply trying to go to the market to feed your family but having to fear rocket attack or suicide bombings no matter where you are.
And finally we end up considering the last eight years of the Obama regime. From the beginning of Obama’s first term nothing less than outright disrespect and contempt have been shown towards Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama even dared try to unseat Prime Minister Netanyahu by having US operatives fund and work for the opposition to Netanyahu which failed. Israel election interference is described in this article by Bloomberg describing the activities and interference attempts by Obama operatives. As disgusting, disrespectful, and completely ridiculous as this heinous act was by a sitting American President, this outrage pales by comparison with one of Obama’s final contemptuous actions towards Israel when the United States refused to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement building as described in this JTA article.
All Americans should be horrified at the disrespect and anti semitic behavior that has been shown to one of our country’s most loyal allies for the past eight years of the Obama regime. Obama has embraced the worst enemies of the United States in history while flippantly disparaging Israel. Fortunately Israel Prime Minister realizes that the majority of Americans and especially Christians have been completely outraged by the actions of the Obama regime. But when you consider how Obama has surrounded himself with anti semitic advisors at the highest levels of government like Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian born communist and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers in high level positions it is easy to understand how such people would foment animosity to outright hatred of Israel. Fortunately, we have an incoming President who will right the relations between the United States and Israel once again. Thank God that we will once again see pro Israel policies and relations return to normal as President Trump begins his term of office.