Indoctrination can be thought of as being the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically. Another or even more appropriate word to put at the end of the aforementioned thought might be unquestioningly, without thought or hesitation, or even gleefully. This is demonstrated right in front of everyone daily, if not more. To say that our current political climate is toxic would be a gross understatement. Our country has become more divided along political line, economic lines, social lines, and most certainly, racial lines. All because of the extreme left, radical ideology of Barack Hussein Obama and his administration.
For the past eight years which was Obama’s two terms in office, every action taken was filtered though the lens of extreme, far left, radical ideology while marching to the droning drum beat of everyone on the left touting the battle cry of “Fairness”. Decisions have not been made based on the good of the country or what is best for the American people but rather how to further the far left agenda and democrat political gain. It has been as if we have watched Saul Alinsky’s, “Rules For Radicals” played out to the letter. Truth, facts, and all transparency have been thrown by the wayside while Obama and the democrats have schemed, cheated, and lied to accomplish their agenda.
The statement or thought from Voltaire referenced in the above image has never been more true than what we see happening all around us now. The press for example was created to shine a spotlight on the deliberations and actions or government. This of course was because the government exists for the good of the people. This has not been the case for quite a while and certainly going back to the announcement of Barack Hussein Obama to run for the Presidency of the US. At this point in time, the name Obama was absolutely an unknown quantity which presented a conundrum for the democrats and the press. The elites of the democrat party and the press saw Obama as an attractive alternative to coronating Hillary Clinton and went about the process of creating a caricature to fill the empty suit that was Obama. Obama was a community organizer and one term Senator from Illinois where he voted “present” when and if he even showed up to do his Senatorial work at all. After scrubbing and purifying every aspect of Obama’s life that didn’t suit them, the democrats and press went about creating a narrative that could be sold to the American people and successfully did so which resulted in Obama having been elected twice.
As the line separating the so called media and democrat party rapidly vanished, it became apparent that the main stream media had become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. With well over 90% of those in the press identifying themselves as liberals or with leftist leanings, the press started participating in the political discourse instead of simply reporting the facts. Facts and truth became scarce and gave way to everything presented to the American people having to conform to the leftist and democrat talking points. It has become so bad that stories do not even have to be true to be thrown against the wall to see if they will stick. This has given rise to fake if not overtly false stories becoming more and more frequent. The beauty of presenting these false or fake stories is that many times they accomplish the purpose of damaging the target of the story and causing harm before the particular news agency is forced to withdraw and posture about something deplorable making it’s way into the broadcast.
The 800 pound gorilla in the room that seldom if ever gets mentioned is the Education System. Beginning in the early 1960s liberals began gaining control of the education system in this country. The first victory for the left was the removal of prayer from school. What began as the need to remove prayer from the school system so that non religious people were treated fairly has become some nightmarish facsimile of what education is supposed to be. In the primary and middle school systems it seems that teaching our children that there are no winners or losers and everyone gets a trophy for participating, common core mathematics, or even how to properly put a condom on a cucumber. Pure science, math, history, and other antiquated notions are no longer really relevant the extremists in charge of education now. And let us not forget about college and the wonderful work that they do destroying free speech on campuses, becoming safe havens for illegals, and producing young adults who require therapy and hot chocolate from professors if they are subjected to such horrors as having seen the name, Trump, written in chalk on a sidewalk. Colleges and Universities have even developed their own language to help and now have over thirty one categories for sexual identity and how students can choose their pronoun of preference. Now think about the generation after generation of students who have successfully been indoctrinated from grade school through college and you see people who eagerly follow the marching orders of left without question or thought. These good little comrades simply do as they are told, vote as they are told, accomplish the ends at any means.
The result is the 49 plus million who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice. When asked why they voted to elect or reelect him, we are treated to  such intellectual answers such as because he is black, or because he is cool, etc. When pushed about policy or accomplishments, they answer with deafening silence. The enemy at home is law enforcement and the military along with republicans or anyone who disagrees with anything left. The enemy abroad are our closest allies of the past like Israel but we coddle and bow down to Iran and other sworn enemies of the US. And despite the seemingly endless list of policy failures and imbecile legislation that has nearly brought this country to total annihilation, Obama is still viewed as a swell guy.
Now that Trump has been elected, just wait and see how the tolerant, objective, patriotic people on the left are going to act. Actually, we are already seeing it with mind numbingly stupid Hollywood libnuts doing PSAs and singing songs about surviving 4 years of Trump. This all just goes to show how incredibly important it is for their to be a massive, world wide revival and turning back to God. I pray that it happens sooner than later and do not see our survival prospects being all that high if we do not turn to God.