Don’t think for an instance that if republicans had in any way behaved like the democrats following the election of President Elect Donal Trump that there would not have been immediate and severe response from the entire democrat machine. The Clinton Campaign arm of the machine simply left supporters in the dark and went home. The attack dog arm formerly known as “the media” did everything except hyperventilate and die at the news of Trump’s election. The George Soros arm of the machine immediately dispatched their paid thug army to riot, attack Trump Supporters, and destroy things. You know, the ones who despite being paid by Soros groups and being bussed in to the various locations were simply spontaneously exercising their right to loot and destroy, I mean protest.
We first witnessed such classy response to defeat when Al Gore lost to George Bush. Even after Clinton and the left made such a big deal out of the fact that Trump said that he would have to see the circumstances before conceding defeat because of all of the known cheating that the democrats are involved in during every election cycle. Amazingly, the democrats always seem to manage to pull a few, or a hundred, or a thousand, or a hundred thousand votes out of their hat at the drop of a dime just as if it were by magic.
The election of Donald Trump was a clear, concise, silent rebellion against the tyrannical oppression of the left and their ideology upon the majority of this country who disagree completely with them. Conservatives have almost always outnumbered the liberals by a margin of nearly 2 to 1 forever. But we have allowed the vocal, radical, intolerant left to bully and scare many of us into submission at the least and silence overall. Our complacency and inaction has led to the left rising to power and during the Obama regime we have witnessed every kind of abuse of power, dirty tricks, lies, corruption, and things never before dreamt were even possible in an American Administration. Obama and his cronies have achieved their means by any dirty Saul Alinsky type action possible without push back or counter action even from the republicans who had been elected and sent to Washington, DC to block what Obama was doing, not to join in with them on it.
But then hey, this is just status quo for the democrats. Any self respecting democrats left have to be asking themselves what they have allowed the democrat party to become. If JFK were running today he would be drummed out of town for being some kind of far right nut job by comparison to what they believe now. I remember watching the democrat convention before this past convention where the word God was booed not once but three times and was stricken from the democrat platform. How’s that for tolerance? Â Or we just have to look at democrat run institutions like the US Education System where college age kids are seen crumbling into sobbing, dysfunctional, messes in their “Safe Zones” because they were forced to see the name, Trump written in chalk on the sidewalk. I mean really, how dare we expect our little snowflakes to endure such horrors? In my generation we were either being drafted or enlisting to go to Viet Nam to fight for our country not strutting around in over priced sneakers and such that was bought and paid for by moms and dads who have to work their heads off to put food on the table. But our little snowflakes drive around in cars bought by mommy and daddy, use social media on their electronic devices that they didn’t buy, all while living on their parents dime and not having a clue what life will be like when they have to make it on their own.
Finally, take a couple of minutes to watch this short but well stated video which sums it all up so very nicely.