Your humble Scribe has patiently watched and studied what was taking place during the very long election season and post election to date. I make no apologies for being a conservative, Christian, Patriot and warrior. Like everyone else, I experienced angst, anxiety, and outright fear at what was taking place. The temptation to rush to the social media like Twitter and Facebook was strong and demanded extreme restraint on this authors part to refrain from doing so. As a Christian, I chose not to vent my feelings on social media which would certainly have caused those who do not share my viewpoints or political beliefs emotional stress at the very least. The Trump vs. Clinton campaign was one of the most vitriolic of my lifetime, especially during the past eight years of more racial tension and discord than I have seen in lifetime.
At not time before in my life has there been the degree of divisiveness as witnessed during the last eight years of the Obama regime. The educated, astute observers were quickly able to ascertain that instead of working diligently to heal any racial divisions that the Obama regime chose rather to capitalize on and cause as much division as possible amongst race, religion, sex, and political viewpoints. Obama chose to utilize his regime to gin up as much division as possible on all fronts creating an atmosphere of “us vs. them” in all areas. With the aid of his willing accomplices in the media who have become nothing more than an unelected attack dog arm of the democrat party, the media successfully chose to spin attention away from anything that could possibly be harmful or damaging to Obama to in some cases, completely false and fabricated stories of non existent racial bias and discrimination. Such stories would fuel a feeding frenzy of feigned outrage and protest which aptly provided cover for far more relevant issues and topics that Obama did not want the public knowing about such as the true details of the Iran deal for example.
The medical debacle commonly known as Obamacare was one such agenda item that the democrats utilized every dirty trick, not excluding changing Senate rules, so that they could ram this ridiculous fiasco down the throats of the American people. Obamacare was crafted in the proverbial smoke filled, back rooms, in the dark of night. The democrats and Obama then began a joyful sales campaign of spin and lies that the media brought to the forefront for weeks, hammering the American people into submission of acceptance based on such lies as the one stating that you could keep your doctor, and the one that said it would not raise your payments, and on and on.
For the past eight years this author has watched as anyone and everyone who dared to disagree with the farthest left insanity on any topic was labelled a racist, homophobe, and the entire litany of derogatory terms used to vilify and demean anyone disagreeing with them. Anyone having traditional values such as believing in God, trusting in our Bill of Rights or Constitution were labelled as potentially being home grown terrorists. The media colluded with the DNC and the White House for their daily marching orders and talking points with which they would attack, demean, and try to destroy anyone with different view points. Our allies around the world were ignored and the vilest enemies known were embraced and praised. Those of us with traditional values saw everything turned inside out and upside down with no way to voice our opposition or have dissenting discourse about what was taking place. We were quickly told shortly after the Obama election that elections have consequences and that Obama won and we lost. That was in fact true and we had no choice other than to deal with it for the past eight years.
The election rolled around and Donald J. Trump won in the most incredible way every witnessed by incredible numbers. Much to the horror and dismay of the left, the media, and Obama, Hillary Clinton failed miserably be coronated as the country’s first female president despite the fact that she was absolutely positive that she deserved it for having been Bill Clinton’s wife, etc. Unlike when Obama was elected to the horror of my peers, we accepted and endured the Obama regime and all of the damage that has been done to our country and the world because of Obamas eight years in office. Once Trump was elected though, they media, the left, and every thug that could be found or hired was pressed into action causing disturbances and riots where ever possible under the guise of disdain at Trump having been elected. Soros backed, paid agitators, are still being bussed into locations in attempts to cause dissension and disturbances up to all out riots with no condemnation from Obama or the left.
College campuses around the country have become little more than breeding grounds and cloning chambers for extreme left, mind numbed, acolytes of Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven. Students on campuses across the country have had to have “Safe Spaces” created and “Crying Rooms” where they can go when they endure such outrages as seeing the name Trump written in chalk on a sidewalk. Campuses generate no free speech atmospheres and zero tolerance of thought or ideas differing from what they determine to be acceptable. Political correctness runs rampant and is absolutely out of control creating a culture of college students who are demasculinated, thin skinned, radicalized, snowflakes. These delicate little snowflakes are incapable of being exposed to harsh and harmful words like man or the name Trump and are driven into hysterical, hyperplectic fits and anxiety attacks at the mere mention of Trump’s name. How in the world will they ever manage to exist outside of college or will they rather be forced into the exile of mommy and daddy’s basement for protection for the rest of  their lives? At eighteen, this writer was enlisted in the US Air Force preparing to go to Viet Nam. Can you imagine people with the “snowflake mentality” coming to America during the times of the Pilgrims and what they would have faced?
Now the democrat party, the media, and all of the snowflakes predictably are proving themselves to be the mean, intolerant, hypocritical, vapid, monsters that they truly are. Devoid of reason, lacking good character or values, and completely allied to most radical emotionalism imaginable, the leftists are incapable of intellectual discourse and debate and can only respond with juvenile, hyper emotional defaming and attack of personal nature. The aforementioned truth was on full display when Clinton supporters were asked what accomplishments did Hillary Clinton have or what made her worthy of being elected president they could only stammer and stutter such brilliant responses as, just because.
Well the time has come to let the adults take over. The election is over and we won, get over it. If that is too much for you to accept, go find a crying room or safe zone at a nearby college and maybe they will coddle you and bring you hot chocolate. Grow up!