Please! For the sake of what’s left of the United States of America, don’t vote. If you are a koolaid drinking, mind numbed, lemming who can only parrot party line talking points as dictated by the state run media then please, please don’t vote. If you only voted for Obama because he is black, hip, cool, or anything else the state run media tried to sell to us while hiding anything and everything that could have possibly told us what we were “really” getting in Obama, then don’t vote. If you are too intellectually lazy to learn about or understand the issues, the candidate and what they stand for, or how dangerous marxism/communism/socialism are the don’t vote. If you are nothing more than an emotionally driven, non thinking, political hack then don’t vote. If you don’t understand the difference between marxism, communism, socialism or how these systems have always failed anywhere and anytime that they have been tried, then don’t vote. If you don’t understand how incredibly lucky you are to be an American and live in the greatest country on earth, regardless of what Obama or his marxist minions say, then don’t vote. If you don’t understand the unbelievable truth and genius of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, then don’t vote. If you think that career politicians like Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid have your best interest in mind and not their own political empowerment and personal gain, then don’t vote.
But, if you are still capable of free thinking, logical thought, and understand empirical data and fact then help us force this out of control regime back into it’s constitutional boundaries and return it to the people. The elitists that currently reside in the White House, Congress, and the Senate absolutely believe that they, not us are in control. We are thought of more as subjects and unwashed masses incapable of thinking for ourselves. Dare to disagree with the ruling class and you will quickly become the object of their name calling, feigned outrage, and feeding frenzy of intolerance.
If you still love America and want to see our way of life preserved and the Constitution protected then by all means educate yourself about the issues and candidates and cast your ballot with pride. Voting is a privilege and a duty and can not be taken lightly. Those who hate us, our country, and everything we stand for will be engaging in every possible kind of corruption to cheat and steal the election. There is discussion of allowing non US citizens to vote in liberal havens like San Francisco, Chicago, and elsewhere. 18 yr. old school children are loaded onto buses, given democrat only sample ballots, taken to vote and then rewarded with ice cream afterwards. Seriously, is that the best that we can do?
November 2nd, 2010 will soon be here and the direction that our country is taken will depend on the outcome of this upcoming, historic election. The importance of this election cycle can not be underestimated by any means. So, if you still take pride in the National Anthem or get a tear in your eye at the sight of Old Glory, then by all means run, don’t walk to your polling station and cast your vote with pride and a patriotic sense of satisfaction. If you can’t do that, stay home and don’t vote!