
Attacking the US Chamber of Commerce and accusing republicans of taking foreign money when the facts indicate that Obama and the democrats have taken at least twice as much from foreign entities, really? Reminds me of the old saying, “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” but then hey, Obama and his cronies have not been short on brazenness or wantonness in insulting the intelligence of the American people. But seriously, is that the best that you can come up with two weeks out from the mid term elections?

If it wasn’t so pathetic it would be laughable to watch as Obama and the dems are reduced to nothing more than childish name calling and behavior more appropriate to middle school playground. What about the health care bill that they rammed down the throats of the country when 9.6 unemployment is the rule of the day and Obama is out there telling us that he is focused like a lazer beam on the economy. We get a take over of an American car company which accomplished what again? But it’s the economy that they are focused on, uh huh.

The one thing that the Obama administration does have an extremely high degree of success with is the ability to lie and deceive the American people for nearly two years. That “Hope and Change” thing sure hasn’t worked out and having the most transparent and open government in history, well that has fallen by the wayside too.

And Obama’s “Cap and Tax” bill? Well, if the republicans take over both houses of Congress and we end up in grid lock with nothing being done, well Obama will just get it done through his EPA Dept. Forget the Constitution and Bill of Rights, who needs those, right? I’m sure the Obama Czars are busily crafting the policy for who knows what as we speak but don’t forget that Obama is focused like a lazer on the economy so all will be fine.

It is almost amusing to watch as some in the “state run media” are actually starting to wake up and seriously question what Obama and his administration are doing. Really? The same media that covered up and buried stories that might have been damaging to Obama, the same media that all but insured that Obama got elected? This is the media that is starting to waken out of their Koolaid induced stupors and with slightly less myopic eyes are going, “Huh? This overwhelmingly left leaning media that for all intents and purposes thrust this giant of progressiveness and Marxism on an unsuspecting America. Yes, the very same. So how is it that they could possibly be given the slightest iota of credibility with regard to Obama or his administration? The answer is they can’t and do not deserve it as they are the very pinnacle of hypocrisy.

So, we see a political party, the democrats, and their willing accomplices in the lamestream media who are more than willing to say or do anything to advance their agenda and achieve their goals demonstrating the absolute shocking examples of hypocrisy at every turn. Sort of like, “Don’t do as I do but do as I say.”, right?

Well, we will see what an energized American populace will say when they enter the voting booths in the next two weeks. All indications are that there is going to be a very sound rebuke of Obama and his progressive policies.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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