Okay, I have been stewing about this for awhile and it is way past time to talk about this. The hypocrisy and intolerant double standard is beyond from muslims and islam apologists is beyond incredible. Someone does a cartoon about Allah or Mohammed and they are targeted for death. Yeah, that’s some serious tolerance, right? Bill O’reilly goes on the view and says that muslims killed americans on 9/11 and two of the hosts walk off the stage, seriously? All americans are lumped into being “The Great Satan” by tolerant muslims but we are intolerant? Disliking or disagreeing with a religion that is incapable of separating from the barbarism of sharia and speaking out about it sends the left into apoplectic spasm. Funny, I don’t see that tolerance when the left or muslims are talking about christians or conservatives, or anything or anyone that they disagree with, do you? The left is quick to beat us to death with the sledge hammer of political correctness for even saying islam unless it is in an “approved by the left context” or has been deemed politically correct by the left.
Never mind that it is always the muslims burning the US flag, or beheading journalists, or burning parts of Paris that is seen all over the news and it is put there by who? Yep, the same intolerant, self righteous, nimrods in the “state sanctioned” media who will quickly start having knee jerk reactions and spasms at the very mention of islam in a deriding manner. Muslims move into communities all over the world and as their presence and populations grow start demanding that their “hosts” observe their customs and are tolerant. Muslims absolutely will not assimilate and learn the ways and culture of their hosts. This has been demonstrated throughout Europe in countless communities and is even happening now in the US. Just look at Detroit, MI or even parts of New York. Even the controversy around what has become to be known as “The Ground Zero Mosque” is a prime example or total and complete unwillingness to compromise or be reasonable. If there are over 100 mosques in New York and even some within blocks of the “Ground Zero” site, why does it absolutely “have” to be there at that spot? Hmmm, why?
The left, the media, and the muslim apologists are terribly short on knowledge and fact but long on emotional overreaction and over heated rhetoric when anyone dares to utter the mention of islam or muslims whether it is in a factual and correct context or not. I have even had heated arguments from friends on the left who tried to convince me that Islam is a religion of peace, just like christianity. Really? Do you think the people who were beheaded by these peaceful muslims, or the women who were stoned to death by these peaceful muslims would agree with that?
Anyone who takes the time to read, examine facts, and learn the truth understands that muslims are told to “lie” to non believers without consequence. This is called “Taqiya” and is referenced in the Koran. The left and muslim apologists are quick to recite passages from the “first half” of the Koran which does talk about peaceful sounding things but forget to mention that the second half of the Koran “supercedes” the first half and nullifies it. As usual though, the left can’t be bothered with the little things like truth, or facts. No, they would rather work themselves into a frenzy and when they lack the facts or knowledge to conduct an intellectual debate resort to childish name calling and labeling such as calling us “islamophobes”.
Here is a novel idea for you to ponder, if you don’t know what you are talking about, rather than spew the party line talking points, how about you just keep your mouth shut and refrain from embarrassing yourself? Unless I am sadly mistaken, the United States of America was founded and remains a christian nation. Like all the immigrants who come in through the front door legally, how about learning the culture and language of our country and abide by our laws? If you can’t live without Sharia then the US is not the place for you. You want to be a muslim and have sharia law, stay in a muslim nation or move to one, the US is not a muslim nation despite what Barack Hussein Obama says about it.
Make no mistake, I have no disagreement or animosity towards any muslim but I can and will disagree with the religion, culture, and sharia law system that comprises what is known as “Islam”. Again, I have no problem with any person, or individual in any way what so ever but do and will continue to disagree with the radical muslims who want to bomb and kill all of us who live in the “Great Satan” which is the west and America.
Don’t you dare demand tolerance or acceptance for your way of life, culture, religion, or belief system until you are as equally willing to exhibit the same tolerance towards me and mine.