
Not since the rise of Nazi Germany and Hitler has there been such a demonstration of misguided, uninformed, been so misled or marched in such orchestrated, lockstep with evil. Either we comply, submit, and most importantly obey, or else! Consider the actions of the current regime which was installed, not elected, just over 100 days ago. We have seen countless instances of unity, love, and fairness, right? Not on your life. Apparently, simply saying that you are for unity is enough and should not be questioned, especially when every action that you take is rabidly partisan, un-American, and bad for anyone and everyone who does not march in jack booted, lock step, with the current Overlords of Leftism.

Almost immediately after being installed, outright war was declared on everyone who disagrees with the sacred worldview of Leftists. Either you are completely in or you are under all out assault from the attack dog media with the intention of total destruction and ruination. Members of the previous Administration should not even be allowed to write books according to the intolerant, thin skinned tyrants in control today. Of course, this has been the case for some time on College and University campuses for some time. Our children have been indoctrinated and properly brainwashed to not dare question anything from the Left. Decade after decade of mind numbed little lemmings have brought us to the current state that we must endure today.

Despite the fact that Leftist worldview is neither factual or realistic, this hate fueled ideology is eagerly embraced by radical, anti-American, Leftists who seek to destroy absolutely everything upon which America has been built. And for what, you might ask? Why to rebuild in the image of failed regimes, historically impossible for even the founders of such belief systems as Marxism, Communism, and Socialism which failed miserably, every single time they were tried throughout history. And yet, the current bunch of egomaniacal, self righteous, elitists envision themselves as smarter, more capable of making it happen.

To be one of the Leftists sheeple, one must reject properly unrevised history, truth must be subjective and not absolute, and there must be a burning desire to absolutely destroy such archaic, out dated beliefs as Christianity, honor, and integrity. To be a Leftist sheeple unquestionably marching in lockstep, one must not question the Overlords, challenge anything, or engage in civil debate, reason, or logic based activities in any way. A good Leftist foot soldier today must be willing to assault, loot, and burn buildings at the drop of a hat. A good Leftist must shout down and attack anyone who might dare challenge the groupthink in anyway at anytime. Those who dissent from the approved groupthink are simply targets to be utterly destroyed in every way, not only professionally, but personally, just to prove the point.

For decades, the Left have adopted the mantle of compassion and claimed to care for the little people. Just look at how well that turned out for the past six decades plus with Leftists controlling inner cities in Leftists enclaves such as New York, Baltimore, and Portland to name a few of the lengthy list of areas which have not seen republican rule for decades. The result is that generations of people have been trapped in an endless cycle of empty promises, poverty, and ever soaring crime rates. Jails and prisons are bursting at the seams with young men who have been victim to Leftist policy which has left them with substandard education, poor employment possibilities, dependent on social service programs for their very existence. And yet, despite having been failed utterly by the empty promises, failed policies, and misguided intentions, the same people who perpetrated this enormous fraud have remained in power and been reelected time and time again.

The founders never intended for politics to become the corrupt behemoth of a “Good Ole Boy” club that we have today. Originally, the idea was that one would be elected to office for a specific term, you would do your best to serve and protect your constituency and would then leave office to return to your civilian life pursuing your original field of endeavor such as farming. Politics was never imagined to be “Get Rich” panacea that it has become today. Today, one can be elected to office and regardless of your previous lack of wealth, become a multi-millionaire in short order. Why just consider “AOC” who started as a bartender in New York making a paltry sum in the area of $35K or so per year but has now joined the ranks of multi-millionaire at our expense. Yep, when you start feeding at the “Public Trough” of tax dollars, there is no limit whatsoever. There are no dark money donations, greasing the palm from Lobbyists, or foreign donations that will be overlooked in any way. Insider trading deals, unbelievable perks and privileges will flow like an endless river of wealth into your accounts like magic. In short, you will be elevated to unimaginable heights of power and prestige, while being embed with unforeseen power. Towing the Leftist line of groupthink will result in the choicest committee assignments, ample air time in the media, and the highest levels of participation in loftiest of levels of ivory tower life in the most exclusive or circles of influence. Who in their right mind, would not want to enjoy such decadent lifestyle? And all you have to do is espouse the most radical, insane, and fanatic worldview, which of course, you exempt yourself from. The policy, rules, and laws that you develop and impose are only for the little people, in flyover country, certainly not for those who become elitists of the Left.

You must eagerly embrace the good old, “Do as I say, not as I do.” mentality, and never ever question or challenge the wisdom of all things Leftist, no matter what. Doing so could result in immediate expulsion and being targeted for immediate and severe retaliation from the compassionate, caring, and fair minded Overlords. Yes, the American Dream must be replaced with unquestioning loyalty and fealty to whatever agenda and groupthink is currently espoused at any given point. Everything is subjective and fluid, up is down, wrong is right, lies are true, nothing is absolute except the radical, insane, fanaticism of the Left which is not to be questioned in anyway, ever. If you comply and obey, you can join the ranks for properly indoctrinated lemmings who eagerly march to the drum of anarchy and destruction, and comprise the ranks of sheeple we have so often seen over the last year, screaming ridiculous demands, tearing down our historical statuary, and burning our cities.

A growing undercurrent of outrage and anger seems to be growing amongst the ranks of those who still cling to such things as freedom of thought, love of liberty, and embrace of God. Despite being faced with darkness, doom, and gloom until the next mid term election cycle, Conservatives will still resist the absolute destruction of every impediment to tyranny imaginable. Despite the attempts to cancel every safeguard to freedom, federalizing elections, bankrupting the future or our grandkids, and welcoming hordes of illegal invaders, American Patriots will continue to pray for a massive revival of Patriotism and an unyielding dedication to that which made America the final beacon of freedom that exists in the world. Although the Left exemplifies the beliefs of the “Borg” from the hit SciFi series, “Resistance is not futile” but must rather be embraced whole heartedly by those who still love America as founded. There has to be unified resistance and push back against all attempts to destroy the very fabric of American life as we know it. Wake up America!

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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