While pondering the 2020 election which took place last night, November 3rd, 2020, several questions came to mind. Who are the people who were voting in this elections cycle? Voters range across all age divisions with few requirements being placed on them to do so. Ok, let us look at this for a moment. Basically, you must be a United States Citizen, you must be eighteen years old, and you must meet the state requirements you reside in. That should be pretty simple, right? Well, not so much if you are a subscriber of Leftist or democrat politics. Those on the Left feel that even people who are residing in America illegally should be allowed to vote. That’s just crazy, right? In a normal life, yes it is just plain nonsense. Believing that the primarily Latino illegals will vote democrat to take advantage of the promise of “Free Stuff”, democrats fight hard to have these illegals allowed to vote. The Leftists democrats give illegals a drivers license which is usually required in order to cast a vote. But, according to the Leftists and democrats, providing a valid ID to vote is somehow “Disenfranchising” certain voters in certain demographics. Providing a valid ID however is required for just about every other life activity but doing so is punitive for certain underprivileged factions? Give me a break, this tired, old, worn out excuse flies about as well as a boat anchor. But hey, the Leftists never miss an opportunity to attempt to play on the emotions of anyone foolish enough to listen to them.
Leftists and democrats have typically, for the past sixty years or so, taken for granted the monolithic vote of the “Black Community”. Democrats waged war on the nuclear family unit very successfully, primarily in the Black Community by driving the father out of the home and replacing the father with welfare subsidies for single mothers. Nothing could have been better for enslaving a segment of society and trapping them in a no win scenario. Looking back over the last six plus decades of the “Welfare State” and how it has helped or hurt those trapped in that system, we see terrible and frightening statistics of illegitimate births, poverty, and extreme rates of crime resulting in the the imprisonment of many, many young black men. But hey, just look at the wonderful housing tenements that they get to live in on the Government’s dime, right? They are fed for free with food stamps. They even get subsidies for things like rent, utilities, and cellphones. Sounds like paradise, right? Hmmm, not so much when you consider the misery, poverty, and illiteracy rates in these blighted communities which tell a stark and horrifying story. Leftists and democrats however have counted on a near ninety five per cent voting block from these communities in the past. Presently however, that appears to be changing. After sixty plus years of empty promises and having been taken for granted endlessly, many in these communities are waking up and examining their realities. While their democrat and Leftists leaders live very large lives in gated communities in one or more of their numerous homes, most of the constituents live in impoverished, crime ridden, areas of inner cities which are in varying states of decay.
Another huge voting block are comprised of young, white, Progressives. We must remember that the term, “Liberal” is no longer tolerated and will result in dire consequences for any who might dare use such politically incorrect terminology. After all, the “Thought Police” know what your intentions are and will punish you accordingly for such infractions as using unapproved terminology in the ever expanding and fluid tome of language that is to be determined by the morally superior Language Masters of the Left. With that in mind, we must be mindful of the sensitivities of the Left and not use words which might drive them into their “Safe Zones” cringing in terror and requiring mugs of piping hot chocolate and Teletubbies to soothe their badly frazzled nerves. No, we must use the approved vernacular and call them “Progressives” or whatever else they decide on at any given point. Having been born into the most affluent country on earth, overly pampered, and highly privileged, this block of society will typically be the first to answer the clarion call to riot at the drop of George Soro’s hat. Yes, when their Masters in the media virtue signal their marching orders, these mighty Snowflakes will drop their Xbox controllers, grab their black garb, and rush to the nearest destination to tear down statues, loot business, burn buildings, or assault law enforcement officers. Why would they be so seemingly eager to commit these atrocities and commit such violence and lawlessness, a sane person might ask? The answer is basically as simple as this, our youth are indoctrinated and brainwashed by the far Left Educators who control our Education System with an iron fist. Our young people are a captive audience for these America hating, Marxism spewing, purveyors of hate to influence for a good twelve years or longer should they be able to pay the inordinate costs of College and University Educations which only further indoctrinate them in far left, radical, Leftist ideologies. Year after year, decade after decade, our children are subjected not to positive and uplifting pride in America and the rich history which has brought us to the very pinnacle of success across every metic, no they are taught that America is only deserving of total destruction and rebuilding in the model of the Paragons of success who gave us Socialism, Marxism, and Communism which have worked so well throughout history, world wide. Right?
These loving and tolerant Leftists have infected every aspect of America from deep levels of government, Social Media Platforms, Mainstream Media, Sports, and Entertainment just to name a few. For the past four plus years, the Leftists have waged an all out war on republicans, Trump, and conservatives. The attack dogs in the MSM have whined and attacked endlessly, twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year. Simply stated, “Trump Derangement Syndrome” has defined everyone on the Left of in the democrat party.
So, America hangs in the balance and we must pray without end that the pendulum will again swing towards sanity and normalcy as opposed to slipping over the far left edge and plummeting into the abyss of insanity. Wake up America!