Trying to think that our election process in America is above reproach and everything will be just fine is quite simply just plain delusional. What might arguably be the most important election of my nearly 5 decade life thus far is critical and our way of life is on the line. Never before in history has there been a party which has moved so far left, or for that matter, as far to the extreme of the scale as the current democrat party. To say that what the democrats intend to do if they gain political power is mind boggling. These leftists fanatics might absolutely try to completely destroy our current society and culture to be replaced with some nightmarish fantasy of a communist dictatorship. Is saying that extreme one might ask? Well, if you don’t mind sacrificing your rights, bowing at the altar of political correctness, and being taxed into serfdom then no. If however, you like having personal and Constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms, then this election might spell doom for every bit of that way of life.

In one of the most recent democrat conventions, any time that God was referenced, the crowd booed loudly leading to any reference to God being removed completely from the democrat platform. How often did you see Obama proudly standing in front of America flags if it could be avoided at all? How upbeat and positive are the messages that the leftists campaign on and is their candidate, Joe Biden even really campaigning at all? The answer is seldom to never as he, like Hillary Clinton before him simply expect to be coronated by their adoring herd who would just vote for a mannequin as long as there is a “D” after it’s name.

Okay, so there is no denying that the democrats in politics, the media, and everywhere else have an insatiable lust for power. If there is any doubt as to why this might be the case, just consider how many of them enter “Politics” barely getting by financially but end up being multi, multi-millionaires in short order. Then, the longer that they are in office, the wealth and goodies just keep piling up and coming their way. Sure, they talk a great game about all the wonderful things that they will do if elected, free this and free that. Sounds fantastic doesn’t it? Sure it does but who pays the bill when it comes do and it always comes do at some point? The taxpayers pay the bills for everything is the bottom line. That is why you are taxed into poverty status every time dems and the Left are in power and have control. Just take an in depth look at any state or city that they currently control and tell me how many balanced budgets, tax surplus, or prosperity overall they have. And, they never tire of crying about the need to raise taxes even higher, and for what? Why so they can line their own pockets and give “Free Stuff” that you pay for to such deserving groups as well, those who come and are in our country illegally of course. But that sounds like they are taking the side of people who are not even American citizens to begin with over those of us who were born and raised here and worked all of our lives paying taxes. Yep, that’s about it. As long as the dems think that they will garner favor or have the vote of this group of people, they will shower them with freebies and shelter them, even over their own constituents. Consider “Sanctuary Cities and States” in leftist controlled areas. Murders, career criminals, and all illegals are literally given a free pass and sent back out into the streets to continue committing crimes against citizens at will. Repeat offenders, no problem, just turn them loose and let them do their thing. The only ones that these idiots will stand up too are our law enforcement officers who are diligently working to remove these predators and secure our safety.

To the leftists who so desperately seek to be in power and continue the cronyism of the “Good Ole Boy” club that they have spent so long building over decade and decades in office, nothing is off of the table when it comes to securing victory. No low is too low for them and cheating is just a relative term to spin and lie about. No lie too big, no low to low to stoop too as long as they win. Mail in ballots is the latest nearly guaranteed method for them to utilize. Yes, mail in ballots are fraught with danger and risk of cheating which has been clearly proven in countless other contests prior to today. Consider the race which Representative Ilhan Omar won and examine the methods which were utilized for winning that seat. I would reference the “Project Veritas” undercover videos if you are not familiar with the cheating which took place there. We also have to become familiar with terms like “Ballot Harvesting” and how that can easily be rigged to understand the preferred methodology of our current democrats and leftists.

Saying that our way of life is on the line is a gross understatement and presents a frightening vision of what will be under a radical, leftist, regime if Biden and Harris are elected. Wake up America, while we still have an America to wake up in.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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