Sadly, it would appear that “Civil Discourse” or the ability to talk openly, or have reasonable exchanges of ideas is quite totally ended. In today’s society, we now see two major ideologies vying for control of the narrative. This is, in its simplest form, the Left and the Right. Think of it as the opposite wings of a bird. There are varying degrees of the two ideologies, ranging from the extreme sides to the more moderate center. For this discussion, we will be looking at and considering only the Left. The Left has always been the more vocal and unhappy at just about everything. The Left always seems to fly in the face of conventional wisdom and unendingly challenges tradition and status quo. Ultimately, the Left has always and without hesitation, resorted to some degree of force to impose its agenda upon those under its control. The Left is never satisfied and regardless of any degree of success that they might realize within any given area, always seeks total dominance and unchallenged control. This has never been more evident or true than today.
For a very long time, the Left has quietly sought to insert itself into every aspect of American culture and way of life. Success has been realized in such areas as dominance and complete control of such institutions as the entertainment industry or Hollywood. The media or what is left of the so called Mainstream Media which in reality is basically owned by six corporations which are owned and operated by Leftists. The Education industry, now overseen by radical Teacher’s Unions and the NEA (National Education Association). And at times, the US Government which is primarily composed of unelected bureaucrats in what has been deemed and called, “The Deep State”. The “Deep State” can be thought of as the “Establishment”, which over a great deal of time has been filled with these unelected, bureaucrats, who behind the scenes go about their work of designing and implementing the agenda handed down by the elected “Leaders” such as the President, Congress, and the Senate, for example. Just taking the last fifty years into consideration, the Leftist agenda has been implemented, in varying degrees by deeply entrenched politicians. Like Joe Biden, for example, some have remained in office for the entire span of the past fifty years.
The idea of “Career Politicians” was never intended and is a great threat to the way that America is supposed to function, as designed by our Founders. The model was demonstrated best by George Washington, who after being elected to serve as our first President, served a second term but then left office to return to his former life as a farmer. Washington was so beloved that he could easily have been declared King but opted to participate in our ingenious form of government which of course is a representative republic, not a democracy. A simple search and understanding of basic Civics or American History can explain this concept in much greater detail.
Over great spans of time, as the Left has gained ever increasing dominance and control of institutions such as the Education System of America, the governess of these institutions has become increasingly brutal and absolute. Any attempt to question or challenge Leftist leadership is immediately stopped and shut down utilizing tools such as political correctness, a Marxist doctrine and concept which allows for absolutely no dissent, in any form. Political correctness is a brutal tool, achieving unchallenged control of such sectors of society such as freedom of speech. Under the guise of being offended, the Left has taken complete control of our very language. An example of this is the fact that the Left formerly identified as “Liberal” but as that term took on a more unwanted and distasteful context, the Left simply changed the term to “Progressive” which they deemed to be more palatable and acceptable. This overt assault on our ability to communicate in the form of our language, has nearly destroyed humor altogether as it is no longer acceptable to engage in any form of humor which some overly sensitive, thin skinned, intolerant person might be offended by.
As the Left has become stronger, increased in the number of areas which they have infiltrated and seized control of, the manner in which they control or rule has become ever more brutal and intolerant. Consider any country in the world which is ruled by an unelected Dictator and you can easily see this concept of brutal and complete control played out right before your eyes. China is a good example as is North Korea, what do you suppose would happen if their form of government or society were to be brought into question or challenged? How much freedom do you think one would have under such repressive and dictatorial forms of government would be realized there? One of the first things that a Dictator does is to seize control of the Media as that is such a vastly powerful tool or in their case, weapon to be wielded against those living under their control. The Media controls the narrative and the agenda along with the every popular “Propaganda” arm of the Media.
In America today, we see this very thing playing out right before our eyes. How willing have Leftist politicians been willing to make any concession whatsoever and attempt to work with President Trump or the republicans? What has the media done since President Trump was elected or even after he announced his seriousness in seeking that high office? What are public school curriculum like today, or how is free speech faring on college and University campuses across America? Or, how is our history doing with regard to the total and utter obliteration of statues which Leftist and anarchists disagree with? How are our law enforcement departments doing under Leftist control in such areas as the “CHOP Zone” or in New York for example? Simply look at any state or city or any area which is under Leftist control and you will see dictatorial type management. How free are you to go to a college or university campus and present opposing view points on politics, race, sex, or any other topic today? Obviously, this has not fared well for those who have tried, in earnest, to educate and discuss the brutally indoctrinated, mind numbed lemmings who show up to resist, shout down, and then riot as a way of demonstrating utter intolerance for anything which disagrees or threatens their agenda. Conservative speakers who have attempted such have been forced to flee in utter fear of their lives as these tolerant, educated, moral authorities of the Left have engaged in complete chaos and rioting just because someone who disagrees with their ideology attempted to have a civil discourse and free exchange of ideas.
Sadly too, is the cancerous like spread of Leftist ideology which is currently destroying organized sports in this country. Today, it is impossible to view a major sporting event without having to be lectured to by Leftist, activist narrators and talking heads who are more concerned with promoting their Leftist agenda than participating in whatever sport they are supposed to report on. And of course there are those poor, underpaid athletes who simply can not control themselves and are just overwhelmed and compelled to demonstrate they’re disdain for and hatred for America and our traditions such as respect for the US flag.
If America is to even survive, this climate of cancel culture, political correctness, and complete lawlessness which is promoted by the Left must not only be challenged, but must be overtaken and stifled. Apathy and inaction will no longer help and the “Silent Majority” must awaken and rise up in resistance. Wake up America, before, if not already, it is too late!