Towards Dystopia

Dystopia you might be asking, what the heck is that? One definition would say that dystopia is the opposite of utopia, dystopia is a fictional place with terrible quality of life, due to oppression, misery and terror. How is it then, you might ask, that I think we might be moving towards a dystopia? Let me attempt to explain and enlighten you a bit. 


Because of political correctness we now have a system of ever morphing words, phrases, and even thought patterns. For example, liberal has become a feared and hated word and can no longer be tolerated even by those who are totally consumed by liberalism.  So frightened and fearful of it that they prefer to be called by something a bit more palatable and easier to take. Liberals now prefer to be considered and certainly to be called “progressive” rather than liberal. It means the same thing but in their bizarre and warped way of thinking “progressive” is just a more pleasant word and makes the world a little brighter. 


Even though the Obama administration is going to turn as hard left and go as fast as possible into socialism and the most massive take over of an economy by government, those nice folks who are progressive just think it is wonderful. Never mind that it absolutely tramples on the Constitution and our rights will further erode if not cease to exist altogether. Socialism just seems lovely and wonderful and especially because our golden tongued, articulate, and brilliant new messiah likes it so much. Therefore, it must just be wonderful and something that we all need, right? The answer is not no, but heck no! If socialism is so wonderful and effective then why has it never worked anywhere, anytime before that it has been tried? Where is it working now? If European style socialism is so wonderful then why are they abandoning it as fast as they can for a more free market based society? One of my friends bemoans nationalized health care as an example of socialism that should be coveted. For what? So that we can have waiting lists for care and procedures that might be several years long? If socialized medical systems are so wonderful, why are so many Canadians and everyone else coming to the US for treatment and care? 


Ok, here is another thought. Democrats actually think that they got some kind of mandate and that they have a free hand to do whatever they want. After, as Obama keeps reminding us, he and they won the election. One has only to take a look at some of the examples of democrat leadership to see why they and their misguided longings for socialism are so wrong headed. A prime example of unbridled, unfettered liberalism and democrat leadership is San Francisco, CA. Now there is a shining beacon of socialism and democratic governance if ever there was one. Yes, I know the governor is supposed to be a republican but come on, be realistic. The two senators from Maine are supposed to be republican too, yeah right. If you believe that then you probably believe that a dollar bill is actually worth something but that is a topic for another day. How about New York city, New Orleans, and on and on? These have been democrat run for years if not decades and yet they are constantly in the news as being broke, impoverished, and going downhill. How can that be in the enlightened age of democrat leadership and socialism running rampant in welfare and social programs? 


And hey, let’s not forget another shining example of success, Nazi Germany. They adopted a national socialist form of government and just look what it did for them, right? What about Russia, Cuba, Canada? How well is it working for them now? And don’t forget, in order for the Nazis to be successful the first thing that they had to do was to disarm the populace, had the people of Germany been armed things might have been very different. Does that mean that one of the first assaults by our new socialist administration might be to come after our guns? Despite the campaign rhetoric from Obama, his administration is full of people who have been anything but favorable to our second amendment right to own firearms. Nothing that has been done to this point, nor anything that will be done in the future will come as much of a surprise to me. Socialist covet socialism and will do anything in their power to see it come to fruition.  Well guess what, we are headed down that path now like a runaway freight train and Nero is fiddling while Rome burns. 


Oh well, this trillion dollar plus democrat entitlement bill will fix everything and cure this recession, right? Well it didn’t work for FDR and just look where all of his policies got us. The only difference is that Obama is spending more than anyone ever before in history and most of it goes to growing government further empowering democrats.  Obama even seeks to politicize the census which determines such things as political districts and how they are drawn. Oh yeah, I’m sure that is going to be a fair process and will equitable to republicans.  This isn’t even a veiled threat but rather a blatant assault and is definitely in your face. 


I can only shutter at the realization that there are so many in this country who would openly embrace socialism because of their ignorance and lack of understanding about the inherent dangers of such a system of governance. But hey, everything Obama said during the campaign sounded great, wonderful, and fantastic, right? Well let’s see what he does, not what he says he is going to do and see how you like it then.  I’m afraid that you might just get a whole lot more than you bargained for a whole lot less of what you thought you were getting out of Obama and his cronies but only time will tell. I can only pray for this country to survive what will surely come. God bless America.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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3 Responses to Towards Dystopia

  1. Shag Alot says:

    Seminole Cnty, FL – School Board Election Tina Calderone (aka Dr. Evil) – a LIFELONG DEMOCRAT – becomes a Republican to run for school board. Is she turning her back on Democrats or lying to Republicans? Someone’s getting lied to. WHO?

  2. What I love (and fear) most is that Ahmadinejad is like the President of Bizzaro America, throwing all of our nationalistic military rhetoric right back at our face, but so transparently threatening, that it makes me realize just how much we use threats to intimidate other countries. It’s a veritable neocon mash-up of statements and proclamations that reveal a dangerous and violent ideology. Wait, who am I talking about?

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