Doom, gloom, misery … despair!

And just when you thought that it was all about “Hope” and “Change”, ha! If we don’t stimulate the economy we are doomed! Don’t forget, stimulus equals spending more money than we have, on everything that can be imagined, and it won’t create many jobs. But hey, the democrats are in charge and Obama is bringing “Hope” and “Change”. Now you might be asking yourself, what kind of  “Change”, and “Hope” in what exactly? Well, we don’t know but it sure sounds good when Obama says it. There are even those who might experience a tingle up their legs at such rhetoric, right? 


Now let’s understand this completely by examining it closely. The democrats are in charge, Pelosi wrote the most massive, pork laden so called stimulus bill in history which will do little to actually create jobs and most of the money won’t be spent until several years down the road, and most of it is just pet projects and pay back for democrats and their supporters but if we don’t pass it we are going to be doomed, right? Ok, so how exactly does that work? If we applied that thinking to our own situations it might sound something like this. Ok honey, we are going to just go buy anything and everything that we have ever wanted or could have dreamed of having, we can’t afford it and don’t have nearly enough money to cover it, and by doing so we will be helping ourselves out of financial difficulty. Ok, does that sound completely nuts and crazy to anyone else or is it just me? Essentially though, that is exactly what we are being told right now. 


How in the world is the dismal picture of doom, gloom, misery, and despair that we are being told is coming going to resemble the “Hope” and “Change” that we were promised? Oh yeah, I forgot, it is all Bush’s fault and he caused it. I thought everything was going to be just wonderful and everything was changing and all was well in the world, isn’t that what we were told during the whole campaign? And weren’t the democrats in charge of both houses of Congress during the last six years too? So how exactly is it Bush’s fault if Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Nancy Pelosi were in charge?  


The biggest threat and worst nightmare that I can imagine is if this new administration is successful in forcing massive socialism down our throats and taking this country down a path to European style Socialism. Obviously we are already witnessing it with the government take over of any and all businesses stupid enough to accept so called “Bailout or Stimulus” money. If they take the money they shouldn’t be surprised that the government would then be able to dictate pay rates, how the money is spent, or any other dictatorial practice. This blatant attack and attempt to destroy anything and everything that could possibly be considered “free market” or capitalist will only further damage and harm the economy. My prayer is that there are enough people who will put sufficient pressure on their representatives to block as much of this legislation as possible. God bless America.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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5 Responses to Doom, gloom, misery … despair!

  1. Roy says:

    BHO says if we don’t pass this “stimulus” we may never recover. We have had two financial professionals speak where I work recently, and looking at the history of the economy we should be about to come out of this down turn by the end of this year or going into next year. Indicators show the housing market starting to turn now. WITHOUT A STIMULUS! Much less one lacking any stimulus. All this will do is dig the hole deeper and extend for years and sign of recovery. And extend governmental powers, which is the true purpose anyway.

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