America Lost!


The untimely death of Justice Scalia ramps up the war of ideology in this country in the midst of an election cycle of crucial importance. During the last seven plus years America has seen and experienced events, especially in the political realm, like never before even dreamt of. Scalia’s death once again brings the battle of conservatism versus liberalism to the forefront of everything. Obama sees opportunity in Scalia’s death to appoint a radical leftist in order to tilt the balance in favor of liberal majority on the court. If successful in doing so, this single event could permanently secure the demise of our representative republic and virtually our way of life as known in the country for over two hundred years.

Appointing and confirming a radical leftist would almost guarantee the loss of our second amendment right if not numerous or all of our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill Of Rights. We are currently under an all out assault on our second amendment rights and are told that it is the number one concern in our country. Not radical Islam which they can not even bring themselves to say but rather gun ownership. Anytime there is an illegal act of violence committed by a criminal we here nothing but the banging of war drums against gun ownership despite the fact that law abiding gun owners have done nothing wrong whatsoever. No, we are to surrender our right to own firearms for personal protection, hunting, or any other reason because some politician with dubious agendas say so. And yet, we are told that we can not blame all muslims for the radical and violent acts of terrorism committed world wide by muslims.

Our country is vanishing before our very eyes and little is done to stop it. We have elected people during the last two election cycles by wide majorities who have immediately gone to Washington, DC and done nothing more than join the “Good Ole Boy” club of self serving political prostitutes who are bought and paid for by special interest and Lobbyists. Strangely, the promises that were made during campaigns to work tirelessly to correct the havoc that is being wrought upon us by the current regime has been completely forgotten. The voters are summarily betrayed over and over again by the politician that they had just entrusted to stop the assault on our Constitution and Bill Of Rights.

We see so called news stories about how the millennial and young voters are enthralled with the idea of Socialism but have no understanding of what it represents or stands for. Our young are being taught to blame and hate America first and to embrace the Utopian ideas of socialism/communism that have failed throughout history anywhere on earth that they have been tried. We are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of our young to the indoctrination and radicalization by the left in our education system and society. The result is that we have nearly 49% of the population who are in favor of big government, cradle to grave policies rather than rugged individualism, self reliance, and freedom.

These leftist, elitist, self righteous snobs think that we are incapable of living without having them control and direct our lives in every way from what we eat, to how we live, and even how we think. This is despite the fact that their radical, far left ideology is nothing more than a naked power grab for their wealth and empowerment. You can not listen to what they say but rather have to watch what they do to find the truth. To these people, the ends justify the means at all costs, no matter what. If that means lying, cheating, stealing, or anything else then they will surely embrace it. How could I possibly believe or say something like that you might ask? Well ask yourself why this bunch would want to flood America with hundreds of thousands of illegals and why they would throw open the borders to anyone regardless of where they come from or who they are? The answer is so that they can get them on social welfare programs to enslave them and then to give them drivers licenses so that they can vote democrat. In other words, they are trying to stack the deck right in front of us by employing illegal dirty tricks to do so.

We are rapidly racing to the point of no return where the current regime and their ilk will have done so much damage to the foundation of this country that we will unable to salvage it. Obama was not joking when he bragged about being days away from fundamentally transforming this country after he was elected. Despite being told otherwise, we certainly have not seen transparency about anything that they are doing. Obama created his private little army of Czars who are unaccountable, unelected, and answer only to him. So what exactly is it that they have been doing for the past seven years?

America as any of us has ever known it is at risk of disappearing overnight. If we do not wake up and begin working with all effort to stop it, we will watch in horror as the rise of something nightmarish will rise to take its place. I don’t care whether you value your rights or not but you have no right to strip me of mine. Wake up America, do it now before we are all lost!




About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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