Very shortly you will notice some major new changes to the Sardonic Scribe blog site. I am moving away from WordPress and will be using iWeb from now on. This presents some particular problems and challenges but don’t worry, it will all work out. One issue is being able to export everyone’s comments to the new overhaul and have them correspond to their particular webpost. We will do our best to accomplish this but make no guarantees.
So, watch for the new “format” and look very soon. Hopefully the new site will go live very shortly and will of course be found at the current url. Thank you for visiting and reading my posts, hope you will invite all of your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to visit too. We can never have to many readers visiting our site. Hopefully you will enjoy all the changes and upgrades to the site.
God bless you.
Just love your writing style, while I don’t agree with everything it was still good, bookmarked.