Obama has been in office for nearly two years now. Â I have never been able to get past his promise to fundamentally transform America which begs the question, into what? What exactly is it that Obama feels so compelled to do to America? What is it that Obama sees when he looks at America through his marxist goggles? More frightening is the question, what will the fundamental transformations look like?
If one examines what Obama has done since he moved into the White House and ascended to the presidency it becomes quite clear that the representative republic of our forefathers and the Founders is not in Obama’s vision for America’s future. Â What of our Constitution and the framework established by our Founders which grew into the greatest free market system in the world? What of the innovation which led our healthcare system to become the greatest in the history of the world? What of our very freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution or those which are bestowed on us by our Creator?
The democrats were given complete and total control of America’s government and the republicans were put in a position of being powerless to stop or even slow the steamroller of the democrat machine possessed by the democrats. And how has the democrat machine been used since Obama took control? We have seen the government grow to the largest size ever while the democrats revel in their keynesian spending orgy with no democrat special interest going unrewarded. Â We saw every dirty trick imaginable utilized to hijack and nationalize our healthcare system. Â We saw the nationalization and government take over of one of our largest auto makers and the unions given control over the private sector stockholders were short changed. We have seen obscene bailouts while promises of stemming out of control unemployment growth continued to skyrocket.
After nearly two years in office we see an administration which is long on broken promises and severely short on leadership and direction. Obama’s handlers and advisers have employed every Saul Alinsky, “Rules For Radicals” tactic imaginable along with the philosophy of  the radical Cloward and Piven on their march to some unrealistic marxist utopia.  And how has the “Hope and Change” worked for you so far? Can you imagine what will happen if the democrats and Obama continue to command control of the government gargantuan that they are working so feverishly to create? How will Obama’s outwardly marxist, progressive, and unelected Czars do during the next two years of the Obama regime?
We have seen Obama bow to despots and thugs while touring the world apologizing for America. Apologize, for what exactly? We have seen Obama embrace and engage any and every anti american dictator and thug while shunning the leaders of our staunchest allie and friends. We have been told that we are no longer a Christian nation, really? Obama’s embrace of Islam has even led to many questioning his “so called” conversion to Christianity from his muslim upbringing during his childhood.
We have seen the american media transform from being an objective, essential part of our every day lives to a pathetic, intellectually devoid, purveyor of state propaganda for the party line of Obama and the democrats. Incapable of substantive argument based on fact and truth, the media, Obama, and democrats can merely attack and call names when confronted with pesky facts and challenges to their unrealistic dreams and plans for our nation. Unable to comprehend or understand the overwhelmingly energy and success of a true, grass roots revolt against the out of control machine of government and Obama marxism, we see inept ramblings, incoherent stuttering, and feigned outrage directed at anyone who dissents from the wisdom and anointed doctrine which of course is for our best interest whether we know it or not, right? Charges of racism abound when lack of credible argument exists.
So, we have seen the agenda, the plan, and partial results of what Obama and the democrats have in store for us and our nation. Obama’s , “Hope and Change” in reality are a nightmarish, hellish, redux of marxist/communist philosophy and ideology which have failed miserably throughout history whenever and wherever it has been tried. Even though Karl Marx himself was unsuccessful in making it work, the incredibly arrogant Obama and his minions for some deluded reason seem to think themselves superior and capable of pulling off the impossible which is building a successful marxist/socialist/progressive utopia. Even though we are now seeing other regimes moving away from these failed and false systems, Obama and the american democrats are determined to embrace them against all reason and logic.
If the model of  free market capitalism and freedoms established by our Founders allowed this country to grow into the greatest nation on earth, envied by all for more than two hundred years, then exactly what is it that Obama and the democrats seem to think that they can do to correct or improve it? Personally, I have no desire to find out and will do everything within my power to ensure that it does not come to pass. My support will gladly be given to anyone and everything which stands in the way of Obama and the democrats success in any further attempts to diminish or destroy the America that I have spent my life being proud to serve and live in. I will be on my knees feverishly praying for God to save us from any and all enemies, either foreign or domestic. God bless America!
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