
Sadly, what was once the mainstream media in this country has become a very pale shadow of it’s former self. More accurately described today as opinion and narrative driven op ed. Any facsimile to unbiased, objective journalism is gone. Today, most of what we are force fed is by overpaid, self righteous, extreme partisan talking heads who deliver talking points fed to them from on high by the powers in the Ivory towers who coordinate with the DC politicians of the Left.

It appears that gone are the days when the facts could be presented including imperial evidence leaving conclusions to be drawn by the viewers. What is supposed to be news is now not even carefully crafted to nudge the viewers to come to a predetermined conclusion as dictated by whatever talking points those behind the curtains wish to impart.

Who is to blame? That is a tricky question as there is no lack of blame to go around. Shame on the few major corporations which control the vast majority of what is presented as news. Shame on the talking heads who passionately regurgitate what they are told to spew. Shame on us for being too lazy to seek the truth from alternative sources or at the very least, from holding the corporations feet to the fire to drop the bias and opinion and present plain facts, truth, and evidence.

The narrative is now driven purely by the agenda of political parties, which means of course, the progressive, liberal Left. Unheard of in the past, opinion and politic are now rammed down the throat of consumers daily. The attacks are designed not merely to damage one’s opponents in the opposition party but rather to completely destroy them, their reputations, and even their entire families. Ergo, what took place with General Michael Flynn simply for being part of the Trump Administration. If this can happen to Gen. Flynn, is anyone safe?

Hypocrisy has reached levels never before imagined and appears to know no bounds. Simply look back to the fiasco of what was supposed to be confirmation for Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh as we were told that all women must be believed even with no evidence or corroboration to support the wildest of claims. The investigation of Justice Kavanaugh was even to include his high school year book entries. Fast forward to today and credible allegations with corroborating evidence against VP Joe Biden is spiked, buried, and laughed off by those who vehemently demanded Justice Kavanaugh’s high school year books. And the #metoo movement is strangely silent.

This can not be allowed to continue. Unless and until there is serious push back against the travesty of what has happened to the Media in this country, nothing will change. When the Left is in control of the 3 branches of government, we see a very different story. During the past nearly 4 years of the current administration, we have seen a literal derangement syndrome take hold of the media. Anonymous, ludicrous, and outlandish stories are presented as credible by those desperate to inflict any and all damage on the current President and his party. This is both frightening and very sad. Pray for America.

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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