For sale to the highest bidder

Should our government preface every action with the disclaimer, “For sale to the highest bidder”? As someone who is a admittedly a bit more than just a casual observer it is absolutely mind boggling to try to understand how our elected representatives could be doing the things that they do. People who are seemingly intelligent, patriotic, and motivated men and women become involved in activities that seem to even defy logic and reason when trying to understand them. When looking at the voting records of our trusted representatives, it is hard to imagine what could possibly motivate them to take the actions that they choose even when those actions are directly contrary to the will or their constituents or the majority of voters nationwide.The most recent example is the recently defeated Amnesty bill. Over 80% of americans were absolutely opposed to the proposed bill and yet we saw our senators take to the floor of the US Senate and vote against the will of the people. So the burning question in my mind is why would they do that? If the majority of americans were and are clearly against Amnesty for illegal immigrants and grassroots organizations and the american people stood firmly against such legislation then why would the people who we elected, trusted to represent our interests, and sent to DC betray us so willfully? Obviously there was a great deal of arm twisting, back room dealing, and every conceivable manner of dirty dealing taking place but again the burning question in my mind is why? What is to be gained by flooding our country with millions and millions of people who seem to have no intention of assimilating or becoming US citizens? How does it serve the good of the country to overwhelm our social services, medical systems, education systems, and society at large with non english speaking people who only seem to care about how much they can line their pockets with US currency? Why are we funding radical groups like La Raza and why are they participating in the process regarding immigration to begin with? Why can’t we simply enforce existing laws, build the fence that was approved and funded, and allow immigrants to continue to participate in the pursuit of citizenship in a legal manner just like the millions who did so since this country was founded? Why do our representatives seem to think that they no longer need to be concerned with the wishes of their constituents after they begin working in DC? If our representatives no longer feel compelled to abide by the wishes of the people of this country or the constituents who elected them then who do they listen to and why?If the sovereignty of this country is no longer important, politicians are no longer concerned with what is best for america, and our government is more concerned with appeasing foreign governments and entities than the american people then what exactly does that mean for those of us who are still concerned with the aforementioned items? Are we being sold out and if so why and if so to who? Obviously it is time to do some serious and intensive house cleaning in DC. If nothing else, maybe cleaning out the ears of our representatives who don’t seem to be able to hear us might help some. Or do our representatives only hear the ones who are lining their pockets the most?

About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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